Review Your Generative AI Data Sharing Preferences

SUREEEEE :smirk:

Just because its free for the public does not mean its free for you to train some dumb AI with ( Sketchfab allows free 3d models to turn off ai training)

If you guys don’t let people sell 3d assets for Robux then this will be a big issue considering **YOU CAN’T SELL ANYTHING FOR USD WITHOUT BEING ID VERIFIED!!! **(Source: Plugins)


If you haven’t realized it yet, the end goal of this AI program is to gather enough 3D and texture data from UGC so that Roblox can develop their own UGC-generator bot. This will effectively but out the middle-man (UGC creators) allowing Roblox to keep 100% of the profits without having to pay anyone a share. You will just pay the bot 100 Robux for UGC and Roblox keeps all of it.


Thanks for your feedback, Dekkonot!

Given I didn’t know I had to do this and currently I have no option to opt out, what do you suggest? Am I opted in simply because I didn’t know I had to opt out, or do I misunderstand what’s happened?

By default, the Luau Public Dataset is sharing off. The setting you will see in Roblox Studio only applies to data sharing with Roblox and not the public dataset. The default setting (ON/OFF)doesn’t apply to the Luau data set.

The only reason we said you couldn’t opt out after opting in, is because once your code is included in the public dataset, it’s accessible to anyone who downloads it. Roblox can’t remove it from people who already have it. You should be able to review your experiences to confirm whether they are shared with the Luau Public Dataset.

What is 4D?

4D in this context means objects that are functional interactive. Tools such as avatar auto setup, code assist and assistant all help you build interactive creations, and by sharing more data, we hope to make all these tools better for you.**


By going to Creator Hub, you can specify your default preference for experiences or avatars. You don’t have to keep ticking off the box; it will stay on or off when you create these new items.


I honestly agree with roblox’s move to make it opt out, because there is no way that they will get enough data if it is opt in. My guess is the majority developers don’t actually care a whole lot (and thus won’t tick it off or on either way) whether or not roblox uses their stuff to train AI, since their entire roblox livelihoods are built on roblox, and roblox can do what it would like with the data that is uploaded through their own systems. So in reality, that’s probably a good move.


Honestly, from my few conversations with the relevant people, they don’t seem to be worried about data quantity at all. It’s mostly been about how to stop creators from falling victim to all the legal grey areas around derivative works. There’s some really thorny questions around ownership that neither copyright nor case law have set any precedent for, and - to put it in the most clinical and faceless of terms - Roblox would not want to be on the hook for promising something to creators that they could not deliver on, because that’s grounds for lawsuits and other disaster.


Thank you for the quick response!

My immediate follow up question to this would be “why can I not turn it off for future updates?” Say I opt-in and then later, a few years down the road, want to opt-out because my codebase has suddenly grown much larger and I don’t want all of the code I write to be used in the Luau public database. Is there a reason why I couldn’t opt out of having new code from the experience added to the database? I know it wouldn’t remove any existing code, but I’m assuming Roblox is scraping Luau code as experiences are updated so it seems reasonable to gate the Luau dataset collection behind revisions.

The only argument I see against it is that it’d be confusing (thus likely to cause a lot of unnecessary screaming about Roblox stealing code or whatever). I think that’s acceptable though, because people are screaming as-is and I trust Roblox to educate people on this matter.

PS: Is there any way we’d be able to learn more about Toya Play’s 40% increase in efficiency? I’m curious what the metric is behind that, and how it impacted their workflow. If it’s as significant as it seems, I’d like to learn more, but I’m very skeptical of it being that impactful.


I have saved every vehicle model I have ever made to the toolbox. These models have always been off-sale, will they still be used for AI training?


How does this work if someone opts another creators’ work into the AI training data without the original creator’s consent?


You can turn off data sharing to the public Luau dataset for future updates!

As mentioned prior, we are unable to promise retroactive opt-out for the public dataset (as it is publicly available). If you decide at any point to turn data sharing to the public dataset off, future changes to that experience will not be captured in our public dataset generation.


This is absolute garbage.

As mentioned by other users, this should be OPT IN not opt out.


This is a great point. A simple note that opting out after opting in only applies to future asset uploads should be fine and I doubt it’d cause much of a fuss. The positives would strongly outweigh the negatives IMO.


Data sharing should be disabled by default. I wouldn’t be surprised if a majority of developers that aren’t active on the devforum do not realise that their work has been opted in ( unwillingly ) to be used to train generative ai. I assume that’s why you’ve enabled it by default though. : )


What are the measures being taken to prevent users from reuploading content and feeding it into the dataset without consent of the original creator?


This is honestly the reasoning they should have lead with here. People can have all the knee-jerk disgusted reactions they like, but at the end of the day, this is not a solvable problem with public remixable assets.

This technology is amazing and has potential to make creation mind-bogglingly accessible. There is no more reasonable choice but to engineer in this direction, and I fully support it. It’s a shame that things have to be pushed in this way, with opt-out choices and hard requirements (opt-in by default is simply not going to work, don’t pretend), and the status quo disruption that will follow is unfortunate and uncomfortable, but I strongly believe this technology is the way forward, speaking as an artist, programmer, general creative myself.

There is valid skepticism about the numbers Roblox is sharing in this post. I would prefer complete reasoning over the truncated marketing speech. We all know Assistant isn’t quite up to the task most of the time.


Addendum: please take the tinfoil hat off.


Adobe-ah looking update
not a great look, Roblox


your work will be fed to the slop regurgitator and you will be happy


I’m confused…
Is it opt-in or opt-out for existing experiences/assets?

  • The data sharing setting is off by default for experiences, avatar items published prior to July 10, 2024.

  • The data sharing setting is on by default for experiences, avatar items published on or after July 10, 2024.