Reviewing an asset returns error 400

Browser : Firefox developer edition 126.0b2 (64 bits), no extension.
when i try to review, it says this :

looking into the devconsole

i get this error : Failed to create comment for assetId: 1836842889 and parentId: null with text: hi! due to error: ResponseError: Response from returned an error code 400

Expected behavior

it should work, not say error.

Page URL:

Thank you for the report. We are looking into this issue.

We were unable to reproduce this issue on the same Firefox Developer Edition you referenced, the latest version of traditional Firefox, and the latest version version of Google Chrome.

Could you attempt to resubmit your review and see if the issue still occurs? If so, could you check whether you are able to review other assets?


on edge, error 400

on firefox dev edition error 400

(it say error 400 in the dev console)

on mobile, an error but i dont know what error but its the same popup that say error 400 so i think its error 400
with an other item, error 400

with an other item and account : error 400

Thank you for the additional information. We are actively working on this and will have an update shortly.


At your convenience, could you please retry leaving a review?

Failed to get user’s comment for assetId: 1836842889 due to error: ResponseError: Response from returned an error code 404

its now 404