Ribbon bar cannot be customized freely

If I try remove or move the Terrain tools group, studio crashes when I try open a new place.
If I leave the group empty, the plugins just fills out the empty tab, but I don’t want that. I want it gone.

Honestly, I’ve been getting crashes here and there since ROBLOX completely broke System Menu earlier today/yesterday. Can’t have plugins as I want them, can’t move terrain tools into model/building…

Any fixes / possible updates on these issues? :confused:

If you want to hide the terrain tab, instead of deleting it from ribbon.xml, change:

<TabPage name="Terrain"> to <TabPage name="Terrain" visible="false">

This will hide the tab without actually deleting it, causing Studio to crash when it tries to make changes to the nonexistent tab.

The plugins in the ribbon.xml under the Terrain tab are the old terrain plugins. When a place is opened, Studio clears the old terrain plugins from the tab and adds in the new ones. This is why emptying the tab in ribbon.xml doesn’t accomplish much.

Since the smooth terrain plugins aren’t hard-coded into Studio, they require a special kind of syntax. Check the Home page which has buttons for smooth terrain for what you need. The formatting for the name is pluginButtonName.pluginToolbarName.studioTabItsFromName This can actually be used to add user plugins to the ribbon as well.

Also, this is more of a feature request than a bug report since ROBLOX never supported modifying the ribbon xml to begin with.

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