Rich text Typewriter

yes i do saw this and readed it

but i dont really understand
so i need help on making rich text using typewriter without it printing out the rich text tags


What have you tried so far? Do you have some code already?

well i did manage to make a swear word inside a message change color and typewriter for it
but the rich text tag is the problem
and yea i did give me a min

local text = 'testttt <font color="#FFA500">color change</font>. testt'

local function removeTags(str)
	str = str:gsub("<br%s*/>", "\n")
	return (str:gsub("<[^<>]->", ""))

local displayText = removeTags(text)
		for i = 1,#displayText do
			Chat.Text.Text = ">"..string.sub(displayText ,1,i)

this does remove the tags but it also remove color
without the remove tags it just print out “color change”

Okay so the idea is to not edit the Text property of the TextLabel (or other text gui element) but rather this new property MaxVisibleGraphemes.

You set the Text property to the full text you want to be displayed at the end (including rich text tags) and then increment MaxVisibleGraphemes until all of the text is visible.

local Label = script.Parent

local TEXT = "t <font color='#FFA500'>color</font>. l☺"

local function removeTags(str)
	-- replace line break tags (otherwise grapheme loop will miss those linebreak characters)
	str = str:gsub("<br%s*/>", "\n")
	return (str:gsub("<[^<>]->", ""))

Label.Text = TEXT

-- This is only to compute the length of the total visible characters
local displayText = removeTags(TEXT)

-- utf8.len is used rather than #displayText as some utf8 characters are composed of multiple bytes. 
-- e.g. 
-- >>> print(#"£") 
-- >>> 2
-- >>> print(utf8.len("£"))
-- >>> 1
for index = 0, utf8.len(displayText) do 

	script.Parent.MaxVisibleGraphemes = index

Using utf8.len is not actually quite right and you should use utf8.graphemes instead.

This practically means replacing utf8.len with a function like this:

local function countGraphemes(str)
	local count = 0
	for _ in utf8.graphemes(str) do
		count += 1
	return count

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I used this and it works just fine for me.

local label = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui").Frame.TextLabel
label.MaxVisibleGraphemes = 0
local text = "testttt <font color=\"#FFA500\">color change</font>. testt"
local length = string.len(text)

for i = 1,length,1 do
	label.Text = text
	label.MaxVisibleGraphemes = i

Edit: Added video


Sorry for late reply but both of you did work so tysm.

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