Right to Erasure Roblox Message for an Old Place + a Content Deleted Game/Removed Game

I recently got a Right to Erasure notice from roblox and I’m not sure if I’ve done the necessary actions to remove the User ID from the places.

What I’ve done so far: For my old place, I went to roblox studio, opened a normal baseplate template, and published as the old place. So now the place is just a normal baseplate. I’m wondering if this action for this place is enough, and if it isn’t I’m not exactly sure what steps to take.

What I am puzzled on: One of the game links they gave me was for a old game I created that got it’s content removed, and then eventually completely removed, as when I click on it, it says “Bad Request.” I’m assuming that since there is no action I could take on this place, I don’t need to worry about it. However, if anyone knows why I still received a request on this specific place, I would greatly appreciate an explanation.


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I’m not 100% sure on the process (never received such a message) but as far as I know, Right to erasure occurs when you have saved data about a user on one of your games.
Changing or resetting the place should make no difference, as data is not stored inside the place.

I believe you need to search for the data you saved on said < user_id > and delete it.

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I believe I never used a datastore for the old place I made, so I think I will be find in that regard. Thanks for the info though! Didn’t think about the datastore not being on the actual place.

This is just a notification that you receive when an account that has received a GDPR visited one of your places. If you do not store any data from users in your game you don’t need to actually do anything.