Right to Erasure

ROBLOXAPI is an built-in api for clearing data and getting stuff on the client like the mouses orientation.

Seems to work. Thanks.

Will Roblox notify me?

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The only api service there is is this one, and it cannot be used by developers, there is no reason to use the OpenCloud api anyway to clear a datastore when you can do it from inside roblox. Your code isn’t even made to make a POST request to the api

My guess is that you are a troll

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I have no idea, but I don’t think so. I never had any Right to Erasure request

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THAT IS NOT THE API SERVICE I AM REFERRING TO. The API service I am referring to is the built in api called “RobloxAPI.”

Send me a link to the documentation, if it exists

Or just don’t bother because that service doesn’t exist

Well, tysm. When I first saw the message, I was scared. I had no idea of what “Right to Erasure” was

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I’ve been getting this for years, I’m pretty sure it’s just a formality because I get tons of messages for it a day, and if I actually did them, I’d have no free time.

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Yh, that´s what I thought. It would be impossible to remove like hundreds a week

I know this post has been resolved but I would just like to add that I didnt know roblox asked developers to remove a players data from a game after an erasure request. if the data is on their servers cant they remove the data themselves?

as a side thought, if the developer no longer uses roblox or is unable to log in for a long period of time does that mean the developer will get punished if they receive this request and don’t immediately comply?

This isn’t true, don’t lie to people, many large developers have these and so do many small ones, this does not affect anyone if these aren’t removed.

Um… No offense but didn’t I say this already??

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Whats this then? The only reason you got the right to erasure message was because you saved the user’s ID, not their username.

By the way you shouldn’t save data to a username because someone could change their user and that would cause their data to be reset and cause a whole can of worms.

Yh, a few players lost their Data in my game for changing their usernames. However, I´ve rescripted the Datastore script

Is this true? I’m not sure, but if it were true, that would be a nice way to avoid these messages. (by obfuscating the userID when saving to datastores).

unfortunately, I don’t think the ‘right to erasure’ system is this ‘smart’. For example, I’m pretty sure they send out the notice anytime anyone has logged into your game whether or not you even use datastores in the game.

I have seen posts from dev’s claiming they don’t have a datastore but still receive the messages.

Wait really? Hm not sure about that, I just meant in his specific scenario here. That’s the reason he got it, but yeah it does say he needs to get rid of it from other records too. Not sure what other records he may have of it.

Ok that’s good but now that means everyone’s data has been reset…

Unless you manually check each player’s data and manually transfer the data to the new keys.

I think if the solution was that easy(obfuscation) then someone would have made this known by now.

I assume that Roblox just blindly blasts messages at people who’s games were logged into by said Erasure requester.

I mean, now that I think of it, obfuscation could be a reason(justification) for Roblox to blindly blast these messages. If a game dev is obfuscating the userID then only they would know if they had the user’s data.

Okay now you’re scaring me, I remember an old game I made. I haven’t checked if I got a right to erasure message.

If it didn’t get many visits odds are low that someone who visited it would like to be erased. :slight_smile:

also, how do you not check? Its sitting in your inbox if you got one.
looks like i got a few, yay!

(i will never understand why someone would request to be erased from Roblox in the first place, boggles my mind)