Rjac // Rotating Joints According to Camera

I am looking for feedback on this open-source project, what do you think?

Is that server sided or local player.

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You can connect it on the Client with a simple RunService.Heartbeat Event, or you can run it on the Server via RemoteEvent. I would recommend Server to be honest and I myself use it on the Server

Any resource u used? Realism? Can u make a footstep sound module which is server sided

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I never use any open-source project, let me tell you why

  • I don’t exactly know how it works.
  • If I make it myself it helps me improve my skills.


  • I get to add more work to my portfolio :wink:

And for footstep sounds you don’t need a module, you just need the proper audio and replace it in the RbxCharacterSounds script. Read about that here.

Like for material sound. Which all player can hear