Robase - A ROBLOX wrapper for Firebase

This is the plan for a future update, currently my PC is bust and I need to do some repairs, on top of this I’m unable to travel home due to Covid-19 restrictions and me being in a different country.

I have a lot of improvements to make on this that I plan to begin when I get the chance, thanks for the input!

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what… I’m very confused.

Firebase is migrating to a new database authentication system. This is completely fine though, as deprecated does not mean removed!

Video tutorial:

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Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 11.12.52 AM

What do I use for Secret Key here?

You don’t need Database secrets, follow the video tutorial provided to access your auth key.

But there is like nothing there I am confused.

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Oh my god thank you so much. Really funny, since last week I spent ages creating my own site to use as an API to update my firebase storage from website. You’re a lifesaver!

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Thank you kindly for creating a video tutorial, I have now added it to the post under “Getting your authentication token”.

I’m glad that this is of use to you and I hope it’s easy to use and work with, any problems don’t hesitate to ask here, message me, or use the reporting issues section under the post!

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Does this module/wrapper help handle or cache up http requests?

Firebase allows updating multiple arrays in a single request, just curious if you’re helping to keep HttpService activity down by grouping multiple requests into one every few seconds?

I’m not sure how well this would handle 70 players joining at once and grabbing data for many people.

Apologies for the delayed response, this module is simply a wrapper for the core functions that Firebase provide in their API.

There is a BatchUpdateAsync which sends a request to the method Firebase uses to update multiple arrays with a PATCH request.

Caching and “proper” handling of requests is down to the programmer. I do plan to add on to this to make it easier to setup and install with little experience.

I hope this answers your question!

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Hi, I don’t exactly understand the :BatchUpdateAsync method. Could you provide an example script of using this?

Of course, here’s a method from my “DataHandler” script which handles uploading/downloading data and caching it, slight documentation included:

And the following is the documentation written for BatchUpdateAsync within Robase (I’m unsure how up to date everything is, but this is, as far as i know, the absolute most recent version):

Finally, apologies for the delayed response, I’m not on devforum on my phone often :slight_smile:

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Im using FirebaseService, and I’m getting FirebaseService>> [ERROR] HTTP 401 (Unauthorized)

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Updated to v1.0.1 fixing a race condition(?) issue with GetAsync, it should know perform more reliably. Furthermore, revamped GetAsync’s internals to have less repeated code and more concise pcall functions.

Enjoy, folks!

Hello im trying to get a auth key but Im not able to create a database secret what should i do?

Have you tried reloading your browser and trying again? I’ve just created a blank project and database and a secret was generated automatically for me and appears.
I can only assume this is an issue on your end.

Hello I have made multiple projects but can never see it it says that its being deprecated so my guess is that new projects can make it idk

You must first create your real-time database, you can do this from the Firebase console. In the menu on the left, there is a “Realtime Database” button, click on that, and then “Create Database”.

From there you will then proceed as normal through Service Accounts and Database Secrets.

Robase 2.0.x is now officially released, you can find the new resource link here: