Robase - extracting keys

How’d I extract all the keys and their strings from the firebase using Robase API and in pairs.

local defaultRobase = RobaseService:GetRobase()
--Variables deleted for the privacy

	if #script.H.GameIdBox.Text >= 5 then

for _,i in pairs(script.H.B:GetDescendants()) do
	local number = string.gsub(i.Name,"%D", "")
	number = tonumber(number)
	if number and i:IsA("ImageButton") then
	---RIGHT HERE defaultRobase:GetAsync()

is there :ListKeysAsync() in RoBase?

and what is RoBase?

Robase is an open-source API wrapper for firebase real time database, no there’s no listkeysasync or anything like that all my project is based on this API and I’m struggling on continue because I can’t find anything in their api

can you send me the URL on Robase?

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First of all I would like to say apologies for the 2-month late reply and bump to this topic; I’m not sure if you ended up resolving this issue but I’d like to note a few things:

  • Robase current is not exactly at feature-parity with DataStores (especially with the advent of v2),
  • API Documentation can be found here
  • Source code here
  • These links have changed and are now under my personal github account, I no longer work for the studio robase was initially held under, it’s now under my ownership and the old docs site is now dead, the devforum post links do link to my site, releases on github however do not so that’s an oversight.

Robase v2 originally was designed to be simple, so you can extend and abstract upon it yourself, so if you wanted to list all keys, you could have a function, like so:

local function listAllKeys(t: {[any]: any}): {string}
	local keys = {}
	for key in t do
		table.insert(keys, key)

	return keys

you would then just give that function the table to extract keys from - note: it will be completely unordered - and go from there.

Finally, I’ve taken quite a long break from Roblox Development, I am currently working on upgrading Robase and taking feature requests, suggestions, and feedback for this process- I’m doing this mostly through my discord server which I believe is linked somewhere though I won’t do so here as I’m unsure of the rules about it, so if you’re interested feel free to send me a message.
In short, v3 will introduce better authentication, a wider API, better error handling and return values, and typing.

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