[center]So, it occasionally happens that I press the neighbouring button of “Save” (Which is “Don’t Save”) when publishing my place… CRISIS! Update is gone, didn’t save locally! Or did I? According to the output, Roblox auto-saved every 5 minutes. Phew, I thought. So I just have to find the auto-save folder and open the last auto-save. Good job, Roblox!
So after a short bit of wrestling to get to the auto-save folder this is the result:
So yea, I was kind of wondering, if Roblox has this miraculous auto-saving system, where are my auto-saves (aka. back-ups) ?
Is it a bug or intended behaviour? Would it be better if the auto-save folder didn’t completely wiped it’s content until a few days have passed?
I can’t really tell if this is always happening to me, since I only mis-click the button once in two months or so.
Another thing, wouldn’t it be much better if the “Cancel” and “Don’t save” button were swapped around, so it’s not so dangerously close to the “Save” button?
Excuse my ranting. It’s just very annoying to lose progress to a little thing like this.
Sorry for bumping this 8 year post but the same issue still progress to this very day. Don’t know what, don’t know why, but my damn auto-saves just poof out of thin air every time I try to grab after any sort of accident.
It’s really annoying to deal with especially pouring 4 hours or more of blood and sweat just to have some sort of mishap such as closing the wrong window or power outage and having this last resort not occur for some odd reason!
For anyone reading this in the future where this is still an issue here’s a tip:
Just get into a habit of saving manual like the person above stated. Annoying, yes. BUT it’s the only way to be CERTAIN that your work will not vanish when something happens.
p.s. YES I would’ve made a new post if I only had the permission to even do so.
Just frustrating.
Sorry to hear you experienced this. Is it the same issue? Is it that autosaves aggressively disappearing from the autosave folder after you close the place? Does it happen every time you close studio, or only on studio crash or other interruption?
Yes, the issue is that autosaves just vanish upon the closure of roblox studio.
I have all the required checked boxes in setting for autosaves marked but whenever roblox studio closes for any reason the autosave for that world would also vanish.
I know autosave should be working since the output command bar always states an autosave has been executed (File is also created) but whenever roblox studio would to close normally or by force it would also delete the autosave with it.
I don’t know if its an issue with my end (I don’t touch anything within the settings. Everything is all set to its preset options), or its roblox studio that acting up.
This is also been a recent issue. I haven’t had roblox studio ever delete an autosave file whenever it would to crash or close normally.
Update: autosaves are intended as recovery for when studio crashes. So they only exist as a live, on-disk backup between saves while studio is open. When you’re closing studio, you should save to cloud (in non-Team Create) or rely on the Team Create autosave. Once you close studio the temporary autosaves are deleted.
This doesn’t really follow the concept of “Try not to have the user lose work.”
Which is the idea of auto-save files in the first place.
Also note the auto-recover dialog box:
An auto-recovered file was detected!
This means that Roblox Studio was not shut down properly and may not have saved your data!
Do you want to load the auto-recovered file?
Open will open the file. You can choose which file to load if there is more than one file. Once an auto-recovered file is loaded, it will not be deleted until the file is re-saved with a different file name.
Ignore will continue and leave the files alone. However, the next time Roblox Studio is run, this message box will pop up again.
Delete will confirm that you want to delete all auto-recovery files.
Please note the implication that
“This means that Roblox Studio was not shut down properly and may not have saved your data!”
makes, which is: If Roblox Studio was shut down properly, it would have saved your data.
The standard in closing any editor is to prompt the user to save if there are changed files, and if for
some reason this feature is disabled or configured not to happen, an autosave file should be retained,
if on close, work would be lost.
This has just happened to me, I am 100% sure I published the place and even if I didnt roblox should retain those autosave files, many hours of work gone. This is an INCREDIBLE oversight and issue on roblox’s part just another think on the pile of stupid decisions by roblox. 10 years after this being first brought up absolutely nothing has been done. Great job guys!
I don’t know who had the bright idea of having autosave delete upon closing place but I hope both sides of your pillow are warm and your entire house is on fire… just kidding or am I?
This is actually stupid like insanely stupid. There are so many different reasons why Roblox Studio can close without having some sort of crash. Just recently, I experienced this amazing thing where Roblox failed to load core scripts and decided it had the authority to remove you from your place, and guess what? It didn’t save and removed all the autosaves despite FORCING ME to exit the place.
I’m sick of this forced online crap to work on my projects. I don’t want to use TeamCreate, I don’t want to save every time I do anything on Studio. I just want stuff to work correctly with minimal issues.
I would be much more happier with a ton of autosaves versus having tons of progress loss.
Bump, this is a third-world software design flaw that has somehow manages to persist for years. Hours of work down the drain because Roblox Studio decided I don’t need my autosaves anymore.
This is true if you close roblox and choose don’t save it deletes your autosave file for that place. To prevent this you can go to your task manager and close the ROBLOX task and this will allow you to close the place and maintain a auto-recovery file, since ROBLOX did not shut down successfully.