Roblox ball with AssemblyLinearVelocity falls through parts

Hey I have a script that makes it so when you shot someone with a gun a ball flies out of them with

I have an issue where the balls sometimes falls through parts here is footage of that:

I tried changing collisions groups and the balls size but it didn’t work.

here is the script:

for i = 1,math.random(1,1) do
   Rotation = Rotation - 5
   local Particle = rs.Blood:Clone()
	local RanMin = -25
	local RanMax = 25
	Particle.Parent = workspace
	Particle.Position = TargetChar.HumanoidRootPart.Position
	Particle.AssemblyLinearVelocity =,RanMax),math.random(0,RanMax) + 30,math.random(RanMin,RanMax) )

Thanks to anyone who tries to help.

Try enabling show contact points in studio to debug collisions.

I did this. I can’t really see the ball’s contact point and also how can this help me?