Roblox bug or what is this

this error is pissing me off, and it’s probably roblox studio…

that folder clear all the children, FOR NO REASON AT ALL…
I tried changing the name to “Introo” exchange of “Intro”
still, is removing childrens of folder

can someone explain me?
this is pissing me offf

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can you show us the script that is using that folder?

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Are the parts anchored? If they’re falling through the map, they’re probably being destroyed.

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they are anchored, and cancollide to true ;/

local StartText = {
			"Hello! Welcome,"..Player.Name.."!",
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('Start').CFrame,Rotate = true,4},
			"This is the park.",
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('Start').CFrame,Rotate = true,2},
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('PetShop').CFrame,Rotate = false,1},
			"This is the pet shop!",
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('PetShop').CFrame,Rotate = true,2},
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('school').CFrame,Rotate = false,1},
			"This is the school!";
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('school').CFrame,Rotate = true,1},
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('Pool').CFrame,Rotate = false,1},
			"This is the public pool!";
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('Pool').CFrame,Rotate = true,1},
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('wl').CFrame,Rotate = false,1},
			"This is  Wonderland!";
			{workspace.Introo:WaitForChild('wl').CFrame,Rotate = true,1},

this is code.

Add a max wait to it by changing:




By the way! Something which you might like to look into:

this for an example shows how you can make Text slowly appear. It’s pretty neat if I say so myself.

that wouldn’t fix it, it’s the children getting destroyed for a unknown reason

Since they still exist on the server but not on the client, is it possible there is some client code that is destroying them?

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Using WaitForChild with no time out causes a Infinite Yield.
You’re getting “Pissed” over not adding a time out to the WaitForChild.

As for your issue, you’ve probably got an overlapping script causing issue.

hmm, nope I mean I did CTRL SHIFT + F and nothing, I mean I tried to search :ClearAllChildren() and even workspace.Introo, and Introo, but nothing it’s destroying it


  1. a Virus
  2. You’re destroying the wrong object. Try searching for :Destroy

Can you send us a screenshot on the server of the children of introo after you running it (not playing)

no its not a virus, otherwise why it would clear that folder only

Hmm, are the parts’ Archivable properties all set to true?

I can’t imagine something that would cause this. Normally if it were a replication issue things would be the other way around (client instances not appearing on the server, etc.)

yes, but archivable is set to true,

The instances are on the server (in Workspace, where they should be visible to everyone) but he’s not seeing them on the client. I thought that was strange.

no, folder is created on server, normally like, on studio without testing or doing script, just a normal folder.
something destroying it on client or, idk

Ignore my prior post, I just re-watched the video.
It’s visible on the server, but not the client… Most likely a issue with roblox.
Try reporting the issue and see what they have to say about it, or any possible fixes.

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Could also try re-loading roblox studio

still didn’t worked at all :confused:

I mean, i literally changed folder name… what the heck is causing this

Welp, couldn’t figure it out.
Decide to do this;

local StartText = {
			"Hello! Welcome,"..Player.Name.."!",
			{, 27.4802113, 2749.05151, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),Rotate = true,4},
			"This is the park.",
			{, 27.4802113, 2749.05151, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1),Rotate = true,2},
			{, 0.410007, 2758.98169, -0.135121703, 0, -0.990828991, 0, 1, 0, 0.990828991, 0, -0.135121703),Rotate = false,1},
			"This is the pet shop!",
			{, 0.410007, 2758.98169, -0.135121703, 0, -0.990828991, 0, 1, 0, 0.990828991, 0, -0.135121703),Rotate = true,2},
			{, 3.91843796, 2691.10864, 0.986006677, -0, -0.166705787, 0, 1, -0, 0.166705787, 0, 0.986006677),Rotate = false,1},
			"This is the school!";
			{, 3.91843796, 2691.10864, 0.986006677, -0, -0.166705787, 0, 1, -0, 0.166705787, 0, 0.986006677),Rotate = true,1},
			{, 21.7201653, 2408.08838, -0.21173358, 0.219902068, -0.952267051, 1.24424696e-06, 0.974358022, 0.225003213, 0.977327704, 0.0476394966, -0.20630455),Rotate = false,1},
			"This is the public pool!";
			{, 21.7201653, 2408.08838, -0.21173358, 0.219902068, -0.952267051, 1.24424696e-06, 0.974358022, 0.225003213, 0.977327704, 0.0476394966, -0.20630455),Rotate = true,1},
			{, 93.7381744, 2578.87256, -0.384468913, 0.143444747, -0.911925018, -0.0234253779, 0.986019373, 0.164975867, 0.922840655, 0.0847902745, -0.375733495),Rotate = false,1},
			"This is  Wonderland!";
			{, 93.7381744, 2578.87256, -0.384468913, 0.143444747, -0.911925018, -0.0234253779, 0.986019373, 0.164975867, 0.922840655, 0.0847902745, -0.375733495),Rotate = true,1},