So how do I fix this? Its ruined my game.
People are saying its happening in DaHood too???
Press Ctrl+Shift+F and search for the words ‘getfenv’ and ‘setfenv’.
I had a backdoor in one of my games and this was the issue.
0 results, as I said literally 0 free modules have been used.
If none of the remote event scripts have anything to do with it, then it must be a backdoor.
Or maybe you have a function that destroys an object sent by remote event, adds checkers to the parameters, everything must maintain their corresponding ranges.
Verify that it is an instance, what classname it has, properties, etc.
I’m 99% sure it’s either a backdoor or a badly designed RemoteEvent. Did it happen in a recent update?
Also do you have FilteringEnabled on?
Also this is worth a try but take this plugin, run it on the entire game, and see what it says in the Output Log. You can share the log here if you’d like. It scans your place for scripts that might have some mechanism for a backdoor. If it doesn’t pick up anything the backdoor it’s probably a bad remote event.
I don’t get how, they join tease us and then kick everyone.
They are in our discord right now yelling at us.
For your information, FilteringEnabled is forced enabled on all roblox games, you cant disable it anymore.
Suppose you have a remote to eliminate x object for some minigame:
RemoteEvent:FireServer(object) --> client duh
-- Server
RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, object)
What the hacker could do is simply this
for _, plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
do you use httpservice that you use from different apps like discord or something? or maybe try disabling http requests if you have them enabled
or if you have admin commands in the game, you can check and prevent other players using commands
I see that but how?
We don’t have any back doors
Yes we do… I think I know what it is. We have this website for discord webhooks … Could that be it?
I made a webhook before for my game and exploiters accessed it and was able to hack my game
It is not a backdoor, they could use one of your remote events but with changed parameters.
Basically, with an injector they insert a script that uses a remote event and pass it parameters that they shouldn’t.
If you’re only sending a POST request then that cannot be it, as it would have to be a GET request and using loadstring or a lua parser with that.
Check your RemoteEVents/Remote Functions or similar, if there are no require
backdoors then that is the cause.
Got it, removed that. Thank you! It might not be fixed though.
remove the webhook since it would be useless if the hacker already knows the hook so you could delete the webhook from your discord
There aren’t 10000000% ive check all of them
How do I fix that then? This has ruined my game, they have even cleared player data…
I’m afraid that’s not how discord webhook proxy services work.