Roblox Community Rules Update

Obviously not legal advice, but it should be fine as long as the system is managed by yourself and no other 3rd party.

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Is that player an advertising network, or paying to put that decal in that one server temporarily?

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However, it is still being shown across that one server and could still be an ad.

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The community rules is moderation. Not legal.

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From my understanding, the new rules do not forbid individual players (unless affiliated with an advertising network or are paying) to upload their own ads (GRP… ?)

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Sounds interesting an example is Bloxbiz I wonder how it will go for them.

Actually this is great, and I’d like to say, this would definitely lessen the fact that some people may do damage to ads. However since there are lesser ad companies around the platform that will be affected it’s still good to see Roblox has decided to respect user privacy, not to mention 3rd party ad creators may make problems at times, and I’m pretty sure Developers can make ads because they’re capable themselves.

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Although the Roblox moderation team for images is probably enough to stamp out any bad ads, the fact that there is code made by another user advertising to players is (in my opinion) the problem Roblox has with this. Player’s are not fully aware of what these ‘ads’ do and how they collect their data, and forcing ad developers to inform players of what they collect, etc., is a near impossibility as what is collected and what is considered an ad is not set in stone.

This update is to combat people from advertising Roblox alternatives :grimacing:

we may reject ads whose content harms our relationship with our community or compromises our competitive interests (e.g., gaming platforms and development tools)


They’ll probably need to shut down.

Which makes sense, why would they allow the developers to run advertisements for competitors? That just doesn’t make much sense in a business or logical perspective.

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Would you allow ads for a rivaling company in your own platform? Think about what you are saying.


But that seems to be the whole entire purpose of the update. If so, Roblox just prioritised themselves over developers work.

What is the difference between this and data collection by private developers? A lot of data could be harvested using Roblox’s existing APIs and systems and handled in a way that adversly affects users. This rule change also only impacts the things users see – it would be infinitly difficult (arguably impossible) for Roblox to police all the different modules, libraries, and systems that games use behind the scenes.

These ads are internal – within the platform. How do you advertise a Roblox competitor this way lol




That is a convinient category. As with all platforms, internally they are managed, authored, and enforced by Moderation – although legal obviously have an advisory role to play given the importance of the rules.


Point still stands, the same people at moderation won’t be able to improve the engine.

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Please see 1.A of the Roblox Terms of Use. The community rules are a part of the Roblox terms.


Wow, this rule makes every type of advertising useless:

  • Ads may not contain content intended for users under the age of 13.

I believe competitive other platforms, not developers. You see advertising another platform that’s competitive to Roblox ruins it’s popularity and most users would be redirected to that platform instead of Roblox, this is also bad for developers because if the competitor keeps advertising their site, more and more people would move away, resulting in a decrease in amount of community members, this also affects Developers because if there’s a large number of decrease, there’s also a lesser chance their games would get any players, visits, or users buying their products.

This may slightly affect developers doing ads, but, the company’s security against competitors raising ads in their own platform is important.