Roblox engine's work

how does roblox engine work for scripts like i ve heard something about remote event that run on engine schedule what is that i really wanna learn all about it and is it necessary to?


if you havent made games before then just wing it and fix problems as you find 'em. that’s probably the most fun way of learning since you’d be making a game in the process

… what? if you’re gonna make a post make it coherent and ask the question clearly pls

what i meant is how does the engine work like what its first thing to start with when someone opens a roblox game

like what i need to know at least ?

The scripts start running when the first player joins (to prevent conflicts with prewarming). You don’t need to do anything on your end but you may have to deal with race conditions stopping OnPlayerAdded from firing in your scripts.

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really curious where i can find this info, can you please provide a link or something to the documentation/post/site/discussion/anything where you found this?

i was always sure that server-side scripts run immediately after the server starts but not when the first player joins(it almost similar since server starts right before first player joins)

Source over here: