You basically just code an objective into the game, that when completed, prompts the player to purchasse the UGC, making use of MarketPlaceService’s PromptPurchase
To get the UGC, you need to apply for the UGC program and hope you get in, then just create it and upload it (note that uploading limits costs robux)
I have an uploader for the ugc limited. It is just that it has to be off sale, and than when I prompt the player, it will go onsale so the player can buy it? That is the part I am confused on
Down the bottom of the configuration page for the UGC item, above the publish button and above the amount due button, there is a drop down menu for “Sale Location”. You can adjust the Sale Location to be for a single experience. Using this, it means that it can’t be purchased through the normal marketplace, and only in your specific game. This is how other games do it!