Roblox game not converting to R6

Recently, I’ve made this mobility system on ROBLOX and all its animations were made in r6. so in studio I checked the avatar type to r6. after, I uploaded the game to ROBLOX, but whenever I join on roblox, my character is always r15. I’ve tried to reupload the game multiple times but nothing is working. if anyone has a fix, please let me know. Thanks.


i think there should be a setting in game settings about that, to force characters to be r6


yeah there is. and i have it selected to r6, but whenever i join on roblox, not in studio, its r15 still

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hmmm, thats very confusing maybe you dont save it or try it from the website

Make sure you update the place file & shut down all places. P.S. there’s a cooldown, so if you updated too frequently, you’ll need to wait before publishing again!

I saved and published once again, and made sure I confirmed it was off cooldown and still, nothing. if you don’t mind I want to see if its a local issue. here’s the game link, join and lmk if its r15 for u too

(proof of the game being saved)

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local players_service = game:GetService('Players')

local local_player = players_service.LocalPlayer

assert(local_player.Character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6, warn('game is R15!'))

tested this in studio. changed the player type to r15 to see if it would convert properly but i ran into a error.

just also reuploaded and tested out of studio on roblox and still got a error.

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The code I provided Is supposed to check your Character Rig Type, switch back to R6 & publish the game. Since u said it’s still R15 in game, press F9 & see what the console gives you

I edited my message above and did exactly what you said. converted back to r6 and published. sent a picture of the error in the dev console too. so weird this has never happened before

A quick workaround in the meantime would be to drop an R6 StarterCharacter into StarterPlayer, that way you can continue with what you’re doing until there’s a fix

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sorry for the late response, that’s what I ended up doing. I’m gonna do more research into this and see if I can find a fix. Thanks!


find any fix?

heres some images from me

Screenshot 2024-09-25 153525


For example the game Heroes Battlegrounds, uses the R6 avatar setting if the loaded player has an R15 rig.

(( I found that out when I slept in R15 because of a bad network connection. ))

I too use this method, because it doesn’t load the game in any way, and the check is one line.
This is very simple, it checks the player for rig like this:

local Character
local currRig = nil

if Character:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") then
	currRig = "R15"
elseif Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
	currRig = "R6"

-- // Continue load character code //

Also, I made 15 attempts to load the R6 avatar, respawning the character each time (using Player:LoadCharacter() ). And if in the end he still has R15 avatar, but needs R6. He gets kicked out

Wait I don’t get it, what does this code do? What script is this

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