Roblox GUI builder is absolute GARBAGE!

Nope, as I said earlier, people wrongly tend to use scale a lot due to lack of experience. or one of the main reasons is for lazy scalling on different screen sizes, but a team would have a code system to do that while still using offset

You might wanna check more serious UI development tools.

Sure if you are just a designer and you dont care, or if your UI is VERY simple you would use scale, but if you are familiar with professional tools like Figma, Framer, etc, you never use scale.

Even roblox itself in their internal UI use offset. you might also wanna check some plugins.

I’ve made a plugin to help for UI development. I’d know

great. I dont care if you are a “UI plugin maker.” I’ve worked with professional UI designers who work for multiple hundreds of dollars who design for games with millions of visits. Never met anyone who legitimately uses offset for their UIs. And you clearly dont know what you’re talking about because 9-slice (which is what you’d use for UI imports from e.g. Figma, Photoshop etc) is literally a form of Scale. You don’t know. What you’re doing is severely overcomplicating a field of work that truthfully is not complicated at all and is not meant to be such. We don’t need an entire fullscreen confusing plugin just so you can backup your BS claims. Please legitimately learn UI design before arguing.

This claim is also bogus. Vast majority of CoreGuis use Scale with a MINIMAL combination of Offset.