[quote] In other words - more evidence, more examples, less scapulimancy. And we’ll all be better off. [/quote]All I am really trying to say is your tone in particular isn’t very positive. I don’t think it’s going to help the situation anymore, regardless of how many times you repeat this to different users.
I’m not sure what the problem is, I have a 267 part Map, that takes about 16 seconds to Open a Place with the Map in the workspace. This map contains a lot of Large rotated Parts (pretty much every part has at least one of there Size Component in the 300+ range).
Attached below in confidential
I then Chopped up the map so that no Part exceeded 300 studs on a single axis, this made the map use 1444 parts. However, the Loading time to open a place with this Map in the workspace still took around 16 seconds.
Attached below in confidential
I then proceeded to make all parts Size less than 150 studs in a single axis, however this causes the Loading time to increase to about 19 seconds and the Part count was about 3k Plus.
Yet, on the other Hand I have another Map that is 973 Parts, which does contain some Large Parts (mainly long flat rectangles) and this map opens in like 1 second.
Attached below in confidential
I’m still confused as to why the lesser Part Map takes longer to Open. Not to mention I have a third Map that is over 20k Parts and takes the same amount of time to load as the 267 Part Map does.