Roblox is about to kill my game and I don't know what to do about it

Starting November 18th, Roblox will restrict anyone under the age of 13 from playing any game classified as a “Social Hangout” and this is applying to my game A Very Deep Pool despite it NOT being a social hangout game. I am unable to change the genre and this ban is going to kill off my game because 59.7% of our players are under the age of 13 (As seen below)


The game is a roleplay/adventure game, and it is NOT a social hangout. People do not play the game for that reason, and I never bothered to change it till now because it didn’t matter then.

I am currently lost on what to do. I have not emailed Roblox yet about this because I am afraid of getting stuck with an AI generated response, and in all honestly I don’t know what to do next, and I find it extremely absurd that Roblox is rolling out such a huge change with such little notice and time to prepare.

the only way you can change your genre for now is to contact roblox support


To change your genre, you need to contact Roblox Support and claim that the specific linked game has the wrong genre selected by selecting the following catagory:

I just wanna note that roblox seems to have removed this catagory for some reason so i recommend choosing a catagory like “How to - Other” since that usually works for other things

Also genres and age guidelines are 2 different things. You would need to make the questionaire again to see if your game is classified as a hangout game:

Additionally you will be able to soon manually select your genre when the update officially releases to everyone in the coming few months

Roblox uses templates on support not AI
If they don’t help you at the first response then reply and explain the situation

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Support did absolutely nothing like I expected, but like you said, it’s based off of the questionnaire not the genre feature. I made this post in a panic and I did not thoroughly read the announcement, that’s my fault.

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