Roblox LSP - Full Intellisense for Roblox and Luau!

And did you change the plugin permissions?

The plugins permissions were already set properly.

it’s not working for me

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In VSCode, endAutocompletion no longer works when adding parameters to functions. It only works when () is the last 2 characters when a line includes the function keyword.

This doesn’t autocomplete upon returning to a new line

local function test(parameter)

Whereas this works

local function test(parameter()

Version 15.3 of the VSCode extension was the last time it was working.

I’ll fix the problem, thanks for reporting it.

I’m seeing a bug with ProductPurchaseDecision enums being undefined. They’re used in processing receipts for dev products.

Here’s the code if you need it. It also occurs with Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted.

SERVICES.marketPlace.ProcessReceipt = function(receiptInfo)
	local purchasingPlayer = SERVICES.playerServ:GetPlayerByUserId(receiptInfo.PlayerId)
	if (not purchasingPlayer) then
		return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet

EDIT: suddenly working now, nevermind. I didn’t make any changes though… odd.

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It’s a small inconvenience, but it bugs me a lot.
Can you please add a feature that makes it so when I type if it auto adds end?

If you type if you can use snippets to autocomplete everything else, but if you want to just autocomplete end when pressing enter, like in Roblox Studio, you can enable this in VSCode settings:
And also enable:

How could I not find that? I looked in the settings for that 5 times.

Anyways, thank you!

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Do you plan on adding recognition for the OOP pattern?
As in auto-completion for instances of a class.

Hello! Thanks for making this because at first no intellisense was going to what sucked about Visual Studio Code. This is a very useful plugin.

Yes, with better intellisense with metatables it should work much better with OOP.

Could you update this and add the new Task Library to the extension?


I made a pull request on the github repo to add this in. Was just merged in.

Just a heads up, the signature for string.pack seems to be incorrect:

v1, v2, … should be “any” rather than “string”

I’m using the vscode extension. Awesome job, btw!

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I do not know what is going on but
This is making editing a bit of annoying and adds it into the warning counter

Click on the status bar where it says Robolx LSP, and it should refresh the workspace.

This is a known bug and I will fix it.

I think Knit type is broken. I refreshed the workspace a few times but with no luck.

As much I would like to use I don’t think my pc can handle studio and vsc at the same time :sweat_smile:

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Since 1.0.0, Many third-party libraries like Knit lost support, because Roblox LSP got fully refactored, I will re-add support for those libraries in future updates.