Roblox Pursuit AI: autonomous & self-driving cop car chases

So the pursuit tactics are only used without obstacles and when close enough? You could continue to do that, or you can have RRT* use the prediction as the target.

I worked at a place where we used an Extended Kalman filter to predict where an object following bicycle dynamics would be. You can also use neural networks for this purpose as I think @ScriptOn did. One is more of a engineering based approach (linearized dynamical systems) and the other computer science-y.

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Oh, and another possibility, which I am not sure anyone mentioned here, is using vector fields for avoidance. It is much more efficient than running a pathfinder, although it doesn’t provide guarantees and you need to tune a ton of parameters to make it work for each obstacle. It does make for some nice paths though.

Hahaha I just love to work on it :see_no_evil:

Yes, when the police car is close enough, they will blindly ram the suspects’ vehicle until they’re outside the “circle”.

I don’t really want to go with neural networks since it’s a black box, you can’t debug their decisions and their performance is pretty random in most cases. Currently I am using steering behaviors because of its simplicity:


I believe that would be a bit too complex for the current stage of the project, because of its preparation requirements. Definitely going to read a few papers about it though, it might come useful :+1:

Did you apply for the minimum 500,000 USD game fund? This is going to become a hit game!

Getting alot of GTA vibes from these clips. This is some amazing AI here.

Do you think you could also make a mode or a new game where your the police, and you chase the suspects as they try to flee you and sometimes shoot at you?
And there will be other AI cops to help you chase down the suspect.

LSPDFR car chase vibes

Just an idea, but definitely apply for that game fund. These are the kind of games Roblox is looking for. Ones that will attract a new player base.

Many advised me to do so, I’ll look into it. It requires having whole milestone schedules and an investor pitch deck ready, so maybe I’ll write one up when I’ve got time, it’s always possible to give it a shot :sweat_smile:

I love LSPDFR haha

Fleeing and AI backup is a more complicated topic, because the other cars have to take your unit into account (since we obviously don’t want units to crash eachother like in vanilla LSPDFR). If there’s a lot of demand, we’ll probably consider it though, I am personally very interested into making such game possible, but it’s very complex :see_no_evil:

We’ll see what the future brings us… :drum:

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This is pretty cool, One of the best things overall I’ve seen this year. I don’t know if anyone’s said it yet but I hope this leads to a Roblox version of NFS:MW (2005) or HP. The racing genre (even street racing) has not been explored enough on Roblox IMHO. (On a side note, respect to the voice actors for MW, over 2 hours recorded for variations of lines which the game cuts up and picks based on in-game situations. Same with the soundtrack.)

Also, I can see potential even further beyond the police aspect, this being an example.

Good luck!

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I’m not really experienced with ‘police chase’-based racing games, but it looks interesting!

In case anyone here created a racing game and wishes to integrate police chases, I’m happy to assist!

For those waiting on an open-sourced version, I’m currently working hard on my own game, and that’s a very fine-tuned model (the whole map is fine-tuned to enhance the driving & improvising the static collision avoidance). I still plan on providing a public version of it though!

@SpeedySanikJr I made a small, low-intelligence demonstration for chasing suspects, I don’t plan on doing anything with it for now, but might consider working on it later:


Woah its been a minute. Have you ever decided on open sourcing this projected? I would love to tinker around with this!

Hey! Thanks for your interest in the project!

I’m currently not planning to go open-source on this. I’m still working a lot on it and constantly find new optimizations and add additional features. And, we would like to keep it exclusive to our game, CrimeLogic.

We’ve got cool things to showcase soon though!


This feels better than the small map (Crimelogic) But it’s probably because opened space :sweat_smile:
But still though, There still performing well, but… Not really in terms of dodging obstacles. Good Luck on Crimelogic V2

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