Roblox "Shader" - What do you think of this editable image animation

Hello! I just created this editable image animation using Perlin Noise . It runs at 30 FPS on my machine without impacting client performance.

What do you think about it? what other shader should people make using editable image?

If you want the source for free:


Holy crap baskets it’s symbiote. We’re doomed.


This shader looks interesting! It’s a cool effect-type of thing! How long did it take to make? Will you use this in anything?


Thank you! First I watched a YouTube devlog video of a guy making a horror game in unity, where he made a shader like this. I immediately thought of replicating the shader using editable image just for fun ( I could even replace the black and the white Colors you see on the video with some images ) .
It took me 5 min + 15 in optimisation using the new buffer class .
I don’t know where to use it ;-;

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Transform any possible MeshPart into black gooey


It’s an AI that just comments this stuff on community resources. I really don’t know how much longer he can keep this up.


seriously, same structure for every single reply lmao


lol didn’t know thanks for letting me know :joy::sob: is it even allowed ?

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not actually an AI but he keeps copy and pasting posts in the same format (to farm likes or something? irdk why he’s doing this)

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Ye I see he got over 5k likes I see why now… but thanks for letting me know


I’ll post the source code soon as people seem to like it.

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posted the source code: