Roblox studio Detected as virus (i cannot find studio bugs in form category as option)

This post is for those who tried updating and it didnt work for them . let’s try to find a different method .
I have updated my windows and installed all updates , reinstalled roblox studio and still having the problem . it seems updating isnt the fix for everyone . we still need a solution.

Note : i cannot find studio bugs in categories options . how can i post in right category when it is not available for me ?

Why are you posting a new thread (in the wrong place) when you’re clearly aware of the bug report thread wherein your troubleshooting attempt was posted as a potential solution?

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first of all , the option of studio bugs is not available for me . secondly , i posted a new one because the others got their issue fixed after updating while i didnt fix it for me .

A bug report thread is an active record of an issue. Other users finding a workaround does not resolve the issue, they’re just working around it for themselves. The thread is still valid and will still be looked at by Roblox staff. Posting more threads won’t make that happen faster, and is in fact spam. Not sure what your reasoning is for doing this.

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i want this post for those guys who tried updating and it didnt fix it for them . instead of having mixing thoughts , let’s gather in this post and wait for a different approach of fixing it .

No. Go back to the bug report. Moderation will take this thread down.

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how can i delete it ? ???

Please search before posting. Thanks.