Roblox Studio Displays Duplicate Entries in Game List

Upon launching Roblox Studio and viewing the ‘My Games’ list, each game is duplicated and appears twice. This issue makes it challenging to distinguish between actual separate games and unintended duplicates. It occurs every time I open Roblox Studio.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Launch Roblox Studio.
  2. The ‘My Games’ tab will load up group games based on the most recent one you edited.
  3. Observe the list of games.

Workaround: Refreshing the game list resolves the issue.

Expected behavior

Each game in the ‘My Games’ list should appear only once.


I experienced this in list view today, too


Thanks, I created a topic in platform usage because I’m a regular and no one responded. I hope this gets fixed soon!


Edit, I’m not a regular :relieved:, sorry that was a typo.

Thanks for the report. We will take a look at this one.


I am seeing this screen in studio as well when I first open studio. None of the games below are just baseplates.

I assume this is happening only on Studio start page and not on Creator Dashboard. Can someone confirm?

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This is correct - it only occurs when Studio automatically takes you to the ‘My Games’ page on launch. There’s likely an issue with the code, triggering it to load the games twice.

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I was about to file a report on this as well haha! I can confirm this happens for me as well.

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I am experiencing this too!

It doesn’t happen on the creator dashboard, and only on studio initial startup

I was comparing my studio logs to see if there was any difference on studio startup, and I noticed a series of these errors:

[FLog::Error] Error: GameIconsStore::getGameIconsByGameId size mismatch: did not receive expected number of responses.

I hope this isn’t a red herring of sorts :^)

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Thanks for confirmation and thanks for your patience. Our team has identified into a potential bug in the Studio code and is working to get this fix out.


It’s been a week and this issue is still present. Are there any updates you can provide on this? :sweat_smile:

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Just opened studio now and the bug seems to be fixed

Is it the same for u?

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Yep! Seems this has been finally fixed. :smile:

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