Hello, I ran into an odd bug, I just launched studio and the font size is so unreadable, I’ve looked in the settings and cant find anything. Heres what it looks like:

Hello, I ran into an odd bug, I just launched studio and the font size is so unreadable, I’ve looked in the settings and cant find anything. Heres what it looks like:
That doesn’t happen to me, even when at 1920x1080 resolution but try reinstalling studio.
I’m not exactly sure whats up but what it looks like to me is studio running on scaling equivalent to something past 1920x1080 resolutions. The scale of everything looks more like 2560x1440.
Re installing studio fixed it, I have no idea why I didnt do that in the first place…
This specific issue is a Studio installation issue, according to Roblox staff:
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