Roblox studio often bugs out for me soon after a Start Server

Hmmm… that’s really strange because the new and old docking don’t share layout data. So it may not be related. Can you Reset View (it will only reset for the current docking system you have active) and see if anything changes?

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That’s what shows up if you have your Graphics Mode set to No Graphics. You can navigate to it by going into Studio Settings > Rendering > Graphics Mode. If you change it to Automatic it should solve the issue (unless there’s no graphics driver; but I think that’s out of scope)

Edit: here’s a screenshot. changing your Graphics Mode to No Graphics seems to override your layout settings.

Edit 2:

It seems to disable most basic functions of Studio; maybe this is a debug mode?

Plugins are non-functional in this environment

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@0Tenth Has solved my issue, but thank you!

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Thank you! I’m not sure why my graphics went to no graphics but my issue is now solved


the issue is still present for me, requiring me to close and reopen studio after every server test. Is there a patch in the works?

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This issue is still present, and I still get logged out half of the time.
I made a very quick fix for my game, tested it quick, and immediately after testing it froze up on me. I cant develop my game like this.


I haven’t encountered it being so persistant before. Do you have the beta feature enabled? If not, maybe its some Studio settings?
If I end up encountering it and figuring it out I’ll update.

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I’ve located the issue. It’s this script that I run via plugin(run selected script) before I test the game:

game:SetUniverseId (20587584)
game:SetUniverseId (20587584)

game:SetUniverseId (20587584)
game:SetUniverseId (20587584)

game:SetUniverseId (2402181595)
game:SetUniverseId (2402181595)

game:SetUniverseId (20587584)
game:SetUniverseId (20587584)

I theorize Roblox does not like me rapidly changing either the universe or the placeid. I don’t intentionally make all these changes at once, I just added to this script over time and never thought about it.
This also seems to make sense with the constant authentication(forced logged out in studio) issues I was having exclusively with this studio problem.
Also explains why it only happens with this game; I dont run multiple SetUniverseId/SetPlaceId in my other games.

Repro if you need it, it just contains that script and 4 hello world scripts in a brand new default file.


Great job! I’ll get this over to our dev team.

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