Ive been loading roblox studio for quite a while now, it just says its attempting to load games? I have deleted roblox studio, I have restarted my PC, I have looked at so many sources and nothing seems to work? What else can I try?
Loaded into an empty baseplate, whats this?
Is your studio graphics settings set to No Graphics by any chance? If so then that’s what causing it, I had similar issue and I fixed it by opening a local file and changing my settings through that.
This was due to a server outage. Check status.roblox.com.
Edit: It appears studio is in server mode after I saw the image that loaded. Change your graphics mode to DirectX 11 and it should work as normal.
I have also had this problem. Sometimes it also happens when i hit play or run when a grey screen is stuck there so i have to stop the game and play again. Its very annoying!
I think I did actually… because my studio was slow
Ah, this is because your graphics mode is set to “No Graphics”. Since you are on Windows 10, you can set it to DirectX for the best graphics option.
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