Unsure if it’s a LocalizationService issue, and I quite frankly don’t care about it, just would like to post this incase anyone who actually does care can fix it themselves…
p.s: I think it might have to do with the fact I’m concatenating each character with a string.sub to create a cool text effect via. a string under a table.
I’ve had similar issues when creating a typewriting effect with RichText. Some effects don’t load in fully until the full text is written out. I think if you wait until the new roblox typewriting effect is out, maybe you could use that.
It looks like Russian codepoints are more than one byte which string.sub does not account for. As a result, if you’re just using string.sub, you’ll end up slicing off some of the bytes which represents in an invalid codepoint (the question marks you’re seeing as it appears).
For simple typewriters like this, Roblox just released a property called MaxVisibleGraphemes that can handle this operation for you. You will have to count the graphemes first before determining to what number you need to increment MaxVisibleGraphemes to.
You can also iterate over the codepoints of the string and concatenate them that way instead. I believe there’s a better way involving graphemes or one of the other utf8 library functions but I’m not familiar with the library myself and some issues while testing.
local displayStr = "" -- Put your Russian text here
local typedStr = "" -- Leave this blank
for _, codepoint in utf8.codes(displayStr) do
typedStr = typedStr .. utf8.char(codepoint)