Roblox Titanic V2.5 (The ONE YEAR UPDATE)

June 30th marks one year of the Roblox Titanic 2.0 update. Thanks for playing, we had an incredibly supportive year with this community! We continue to look for ways to improve it for all of you!

V2.5 Trailer!

Updated GUIs!

There are 3 buttons on the left of the screen


All of these GUIs have been tested for screens of all sizes, your mobile devices, and XBox gamepads!

Other fixes:
*Fixed life jacket glitch (not floating you sometimes)

*11 new Era gear that replaced many old Roblox gear
-Icecube for 1500 points, drop an icecube and kick it around the deck
-Bell for 2000 points, you ring it
-Lantern for 3000 points. Looks a bit brighter if you use one in the darkness
-Bugle for 4000 points. Call for dinner time. Randomly chooses 1 of 3 calls.
-Shovel for 6000 points. The full feature will be able to shovel coal and get points for it
-Pocketwatch for 7000 points. This one allows you to see the clock time of the entire round.
-Lifering for 10000 points. Allows you to save people or yourself. They will go to the ocean level and stay there as long as someone constantly is stepping over it. Only 5 can be thrown at a time, first thrown, first to go. It follows ship momentum.
-Binoculars for 12000 points. Allows you to zoom in super close to things far away
-Umbrella for 21000 points. Allows you to fly forever essentially. Activate and it will float you for a while, you can activate again shortly after it deactivates and if you’re fast enough you can gain elevation to fly around anywhere.
-Violin for 27000 points. 5 cord custom playable violin. This one has a lot of potential and we add more instruments.
-Wrightflyer for 50000 points. Easily the coolest gear of all time. Activate and you will be sent flying in a life sized wrightflyer with full control. Click to go into super speed mode and also to turn use the mouse while in super speed mode. Complete with sounds and propellers. Make sure to click and use the mouse to steer while clicked.

*R6 is now allowed once more!

*Got rid of Lite Detail

*Cut 27% of the memory usage / lag from standard detail

*Fly tool will not flip your character out into the ceilings if you equip it in-doors anymore

*Phonograph users will be refunded in points next minor update!

*Bubble textures follow the sinking, getting more intense

*New Points Chest It is hidden randomly in the ship shortly after every round, and the first person to find it gains however many points remain!

*Era Gear has been added to the lobby, you can click them to view an item in the store!

*The movie maker + fly tool combo glitch fixed

*Added button during loading time “Did you crash last time?”. This will set your ship detail to Standard in-case it was HD

Previous Update Logs


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