Rōblox-to-Discord Bypass Method

Similarly to Osyrs’ service, my service was made at around the time Discord blocked all requests coming from Rōblox’s servers’ user agent. However, I never bothered to advertise on the forum, which was actually apparently an effective audience to advertise for. However, what makes this service is how each individual request is formatted. A visual for how to format the request can be seen here:

A couple of months later, I released a video on YouTube in order for my product to reach a wider audience. Even though it didn’t bring in more clients, it is still informational for those who those who are lass experienced in Lua itself.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I wonder how this works…

Please don’t bump your thread it is against the rules of the forum.

Spam posts and threads will be removed. Do not post the same topic repetitively or repeat the same post within a thread. Spam includes posts like “bump” or “first” that do not add to the content of the discussion.


Not bad, I have a few side-notes that aren’t directly related to the post itself.

  • Keep in mind that this is a (relatively) professional environment, people will see your post, if it lacks responses I don’t feel that it warrants three bumps in the span of one minute.
  • While this post is code-related, it isn’t specifically asking for help - this might serve better under a different forum subcategory.

This is worse than Osyris’ because it doesn’t obey Discord’s throttling, it just changes the user agent. It’s against Discord’s terms of service.


As @Kampfkarren stated, this is a violation of Discord’s ToS, which may result in punitive measures, such as your Discord account being banned. I highly recommend not breaking the ToS nor finding ways around it.


Closing this thread as others have mentioned that this does not not respect Discord’s rate limits, and will only further ruin our reputation as developers with Discord. If you would like to re-post this, please include appropriate handling of Discord rate limits and post in #learning-resources:community-tutorials-resources (Scripting Support is meant for scripting help Q&A – not creations / resources).