Roblox Trello Missing Parameters

So, I was creating a simple script using the API but for some reason I keep getting the error;
Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 9.27.34 am

This is my script:

local Trello = require(script.Parent.TrelloAPI)
local boardId = Trello:GetBoardID("LMF Bans")

local ListID = Trello:GetListID("The List",boardId)

local BanReason = Trello:AddCard("Aiden", "Testing", ListID)
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I believe this post may help.

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Tried it, still didn’t work…

Edit: I also don’t know any other Trello modules.

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Maybe your missing your token? If there’s no other scripts containing it.

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Nope, I have my token there.

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I found what was wrong. I forgot to put the name of the List there :rofl:

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Put the name of the list where?

What does your finished code look like?