Roblox updates broke my game?

Haven’t been on Roblox in about 10 months and when I try to play test my game, it just comes up with a “HTTP 403 (Forbidden)” and nothing happens. I googled it but can’t find a solution, what could be wrong?


I don’t think it’s that as there’s only one LoadAsset() in my game and it still doesn’t work after getting rid of it.

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I don’t know a fix to this. It’s probably one of ROBLOX’S Core Scripts in CoreGui. Try adding this to Engine Bugs

In what context does this occur? Are you sending a HTTP request? Are you using a Roblox API?

I was in team create and many times this happens if the game you are in is not your game but the owner is someone else (for owner of game this should work correctly without any error). This also does with the datastores. Also you want to make sure you have HTTP requests turned ON in Game Settings. I hope this helps. :herb:

Just trying to play the game in any way in Studio. It was working perfectly fine a few months ago and nothing has changed since then.

@ArticGamerTV the game is a group game, I own the group

Do you use any DataStore wrapper like DataStore2? If you do then check you API is set to ON and also if you use DataStore2 then add a BoolValue in ServerStorage named ‘SaveInStudio’ and set it to true.

I got this on datastores yesterday, it turns out api requests weren’t enabled on that place. Check your game settings → options

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