I was sending someone a link to the Groups web API documentation when they sent me a 404 page. I thought that was odd so I visited the page myself. It appears that all the APIs are returning 404 for their documentation pages.
Using a curated list on GitHub, I checked the auth docs and they show the same file. I suspect the outage on Tuesday might’ve done something. Anyone with details or have a clue about this?
I should’ve been more clear. I mean the /docs endpoint used to test and see all the endpoints. The Swagger documentation pages seem to be missing but some internal process is redirecting me to the index page (As if it existed). See the below screenshot
I think you’re right about a migration because the double slash trick works for the groups and users API. Perhaps it’s a way to maintain the old endpoints while the new docs are rolled out?
Please avoid any alterations of the old URLs since we cannot guarantee they will continue to work. Use the new docs source mentioned just above (Legacy Overview | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub) instead to avoid further unexpected breakage as much as possible.