Roblox wiki is down again

I’m trying to search for some API, apparently I couldn’t access it today(23:30 PM CEST). Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?

It is in some kind of “refresh” loop. Is this an outage? Oh, and I kept the site loading and now Chrome told me that the site is not sending any data back.

The page is not working

This is a small backlash for my workflow in overnight coding. What I’m looking for at the moment is the Player API.


Seems to be down, just got 502 Bad Gateway error.

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Someone moved this to #platform-feedback:documentation-requests. Strange thing is when I read About the Web Bugs category, they told me to use #forum-feedback.

This was a mistake; I confused Developer Forum for Developer Wiki.

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Yeh down for me too, some parts of the wiki are working, some parts not

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You’re not alone, there are already other threads regarding this issue:

One of the interns said that they’re currently looking into it, hopefully it gets resolved soon.

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Hopefully it does indeed get resolved soon. I’m working on a fairly large project and I need some references for objects I don’t work with that often.


If necessary, you can use Anaminus’ site to find the api you need, though it doesn’t have detailed descriptions.


I’ve had the same problem. I tried searching up the player API only to find out that it did not work.

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The site seems to be up for me, but certain API reference pages (like “AnimationTrack”) say the page is missing

The same applies with the Player. This is another problem.

The Humanoid API page got cancelled too.

We’re working on resolving the issues with the Developer Hub. The problems aren’t going unnoticed!

If a page you need isn’t loading, try pasting the URL into search engines and see if they have a cached version of the page. It might not be up to date, but it’ll be better than nothing.

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Just an update:

More and more pages I need are being plagued by this issue. The page for Model is down for me and has been for 2 days now. Is anybody able to confirm the status of this page or other pages?

Any updates on this would be wonderful; my team’s workflow is being interrupted by these issues, as I’m sure many others are as well.

There working to bring everything fully back online.

This link seems to work: its not the main developer api site, but an aliases maybe

API reference still borked there.

weird tho, that one works for me and the main one dosent :confused:

It works partially, but for example this page:

No API Reference.

Best reference so far ^

ahh i see okay, but atleast i can now find some things ive been trying to find on the API reference

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