I’ve been trying to find the new roblox games api, I have a script that uses the old one and i’m trying to get it working again. Any ideas on what I should do?
local url = "https://www.roblox.com/discover?Keyword=" .. word .. "&model.startRows=" .. listStart .. "&model.maxRows=" .. (listStart + numPages) .. "&model.isKeywordSuggestionEnabled=false&model.sortPosition=0&model.sortOrder=1"
Unless something has changed recently, I believe you need an x-csrf-token header in order to access these API endpoints (though that may have just been for the gamejoin APIs correct me if I am wrong).
To get the value to pass for that my method has always just been sending a GET request to https://auth.roblox.com/v2/logout but you do need to pass your .ROBLOSECURITY code as a cookie.
It seems like you are using the discover api for your request. Since you provided a keyword I cant be sure if it is a search api or the discovery (or newly branded charts) api so I will provide both of them:
Search api has moved to this endpoint; https://apis.roblox.com/search-api/omni-search?searchQuery=KEYWORD&sessionId=SESSIONID
The session id is a guid likely for analytic purposes.
Explore (discovery) api has moved to this endpoint: https://apis.roblox.com/explore-api/v1/get-sorts?sessionId=SESSIONID&device=computer&country=all
The session id is a guid likely for analytic purposes, you can customize device and country according to your needs.
As provided by others, the games api can be found through the swagger links or engine documents but search and explore api are undocumented.