Roblox's Moderation Needs To Be Fixed

Yes, i do agree with you. roblox needs to update their moderation system to prevent these false bans and only ban them for an actual wrongdoing, obviously their moderation system is oversensitive.


Yes I definitely agree, Roblox desperately needs to put at least a bit of effort into their moderation system. The quality and behaviour of this system is absolutely unacceptable. It should be improved majorly.


A post from 2018 is still relevant today. Roblox instead wants to make a damn dating website and animated faces over fixing actual problems that shouldn’t exist in the first place. Each and every one of our accounts are at risk, simply for putting work into our games; many of which are the entire reason why Roblox is still alive today. Imagine a world where Roblox didn’t let developers make games; No Doors, no tycoons, none of anything. Roblox was built by you all, and they’ve essentially left us in the dark. 5 entire years this thread has been alive, a clear indicator that something needs to be done. Yet not a single staff member has spoken here.
Just to be clear, I have full respect for the staff here. But the actual development teams and CEO may actually just have no care for the backbone of ‘their’ community.

People play Roblox for the games and friends, not whatever this 17+ thing is. Not to date people. Not to spend money. To play games and make friends. To make memories. To think that I didn’t notice this problem until becoming a developer devastates me, as it’s been one for almost as long as I’ve had an account (if not longer).

It’s always “Wait for it to get better! c:” and not “We are sorry for the pain we have caused you, we will begin working on this immediately.” To them, making 3D clothes is more important. Not even exaggerating. It’s sickening. Sure, yea, it’s their platform and they can do what they want; yea, most of us will still develop anyway. But it doesn’t make the problem any less relevant.

For the love of god, I uploaded a piano track I made edited into into a bassy rumble and it got COPYWRITTEN somehow. It’s like going outside and getting arrested for wearing a blue shirt. I’ve been banned for uploading something ABOVE THE UNLISTED DECIBLE LIMIT. I’ve been warned COUNTLESS times for (mostly) THEIR MISTAKES.
Then comes the punishment problems. I’ve accidentally uploaded loud, unedited sounds and was ready to apologize but instead basically got flicked off and cursed at (figuratively, and also you can make sounds deafening and 100% distorted in game). I make mistakes, and I’m treated like I want to harm the community???

“Misusing Roblox Systems” “Intellectual Property Violations”
“These standards outline expectations to ensure that everyone on Roblox feels welcome and safe and is treated with respect.”
We’re all tired of this. Actually exhausted for being punished for contributing to your community FOR OUR OWN ENJOYMENT. It’s actually insane. A lot of us don’t even care if we get paid, we just want people to see our work and appreciate it. Doing so is apparently a cardinal sin to the community.

Why can’t we just be kept updated on the progress of the year-long bugfixing that apparently exists??

Are us developers anything to you? Anything? We LITERALLY make you money, with games, accessories, anything. Not asking for anything in return, other than this one task.


Stop making “reVoLuTIonaRy” nonsensical and/or pointless additions and instead work towards making the community functional first. Sure, facial recognition gets some laughs, But the people making the games that you can use the facial recognition in are losing their accounts falsely by the hour.

2024 EDIT: Still an issue. Roblox does not care about it’s userbase, only the legal aspects and the things that make them rich.

They fail to realize is that their platform would be nothing if it wasn’t for the developers that they are ignoring. Personally, my impact is minimal. But if the developers for, let’s say Doors and Pet Simulator deleted their games.
Roblox would not get those playerbases back, and would lose the incomes of both games permanently. Those games are not owned by Roblox. Roblox does not deserve to have our work. Instead of being helpful to their literal moneymakers ACTIVELY choose to ignore them.
And if all developers wiped and left? Roblox would only have the worlds they made. Nothing but event hubs and tutorials.

Roblox, face it. Your support only helps successfully when accounts are not accessible. Not even ONCE have I been actually helped with a false moderation.
And stop just saying “not yet” on the fixes for the moderation, you clearly don’t have plans to fix it. Actually put time into your community and ensuring not only their safety, but also making your platform usable by the people who literally made roblox into what it is now. You’ve built up this amazing place with your community. Why stop now?


I just wanted to bring attention to a side of Roblox’s moderation that may not have been covered as much here - audio and IP.

I attempted to upload several audio assets on Roblox; two were taken down for “Intellectual Property violations”. This is incorrect because they both fall under the public domain due to being surrendered as an asset under Creative Commons 0 and their age, respectively.

Audio 1/“Flies”: Freesound - Flies by miklovan

Audio 2/“Classical Overture”: - There might be some confusion regarding its affiliation with the game Five Nights at Freddy’s, which may be the case. I did some web surfing, and it appears that others are getting this issue as well, despite it being in the public domain.

Unfortunately, when I tried to appeal for support, I was informed that the moderation action was permanent after “reviewing all the available evidence” (clearly not). Thankfully, it was a warning via the on-platform messenger system.

I believe Roblox uses a similar system to interpret audio uploads as YouTube, which clearly has its flaws. I hope this can be changed sooner rather than later for the benefit of every Roblox user.


Roblox has always had a moderation issue since 2014, which should be fixed.


This is a screenshot of the appeals. In the following appeal, after 1 and 2, I didn’t screenshot because I reached the 30 days for the account to get reviewed.

1st Appeal:

2nd Appeal:

They provide no clarification regarding the reason for my ban; the message simply states, “Account affiliated with others creating and participating in inappropriate content on Roblox.” If you see my account, there are no assets or games that have been deleted. Also, I never team-create; I am just a solo developer.

If there is any Roblox staff is reading this, please manual review my account :((
I know it’s been months, and I’m still hoping for it because I believe I didn’t do anything wrong

My account: ggi4n’s Roblox Profile - RblxTrade


Strong -1. The current moderation system encourages correct usage of the platform and is not in need of change. Imagine if the UK government started saying that all punishments for breaking laws would now be decreased by half. I think that they should instad remove the ability to appeal.

you cant be serious. you’re just saying obvious bait

Moderation is a clear issue and you should always have the right to appeal as no system is perfect enough to warrant the removal of appeals


I am not trolling, I am serious. This cannot happen./

Simply scrolling up would reveal that false moderation flags have taken place.
The current moderation system for content uploading is broken, and has been for an unreal amount of years. Either you have never uploaded an asset or you have simply gotten lucky.

Not only do these false flags exist, but are simply impossible to appeal. Every attempt that has been made has resulted in being told that they can’t do anything. Even YouTube is better at this. Their automated moderation is purely broken, and is an INTENSE threat to us developers.

Still don’t believe me - Well, how about an example?
I recorded a sound I made by putting together some piano samples, then HEAVILY editing it using audacity. It got banned for ‘copywrite infringement’ and my account got warned. I proceeded to put the audio that I MADE using MY SAMPLES though every single form of offsite copywrite detection available. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. ROBLOX’s automod is broken, period. And has been. And probably never will be fixed.

The current moderation system encourages developers to stop uploading custom content, not ‘correct usage’. It is in need of change, as it hinders progress and, at times, makes accounts that release popular games risk EVERYTHING. Not to mention, appealing should be FIXED, not removed. Why would you remove that?

Why are you attempting to defend something so CLEARLY shown in red light? Even the first post shows the problems! We’re at risk of losing our accounts, simply because of a fault in the automod. No changes need to be made to what we do, but instead how the automod works.

Say, for example, you want to make a sound for your game. You find a sound of a door opening, maybe even record it yourself from a door in your house. You paulstretch the sound so it makes the entirety of the sound span over itself, use a Lowpass filter on it to remove the white noise, then add fading at the end to make it slowly cut off.
You attempt to upload the new ambient sound, but it gets flagged falsely. The only information you receive is a single, little line of text: “Misusing Roblox Systems”. What? You very clearly followed the rules! You attempt to appeal it, thinking that due to this tiny mistake, you can get the strike off of your account and the sound back! Then they either don’t respond or tell you that appealing doesn’t do anything. Makes you mad, right? Now you know how we feel. Obviously, this was ROBLOX’s problem, not something you caused. Right? So it’s only fitting to feel that way.

This has happened to us countless times, do NOT downplay what we have seen directly and dealt with for all of these years. This exact problem has played over half of my uploads, and maybe even more for the other posters on this thread. It is a genuine problem that we are dealing with, and even the Devforum staff on other threads about the same problem have recommended that we create alt accounts to deal with it.


im not sure if that is entirely true as after viewing my own moderation history a warning from 2018 is still present, can you provide more context on how an action is considered inactive?

Here are a few reasons why i HATE ROBLOX (focus on the bolded sentence)
1: Moderation: Roblox has EXTREMELY POOR moderation, like seriously, they falsely ban people for nothing, and their chat filter is just way too broken, it censors words that are actually nice to say and they most definitely never really censor inappropriate words they just sometimes let them pass through, and they don’t even care about the users who are getting bullied, they just laugh at them and watch them suffer without any consequences towards the bully, also as “SuperDonutCatzz” said, “I really think moderation should be left to actual experienced moderators, not automated ticket bots that ignore your requests, or some complex AI. I’ve seen some good moderation, but not recently at all” i definitely agree. Roblox should have better moderation, driven by actual experienced moderators instead of stupid automated bots that ignore your requests and not care.

  1. Limited Creativity: Roblox limits people’s creativity way too much, like for example sometimes they only limit users to one body color, 5 of each body part, that isn’t letting them unleash their creativity. Like in 2022 they released an update which changed the audio privacies, which caused some audio gamepasses to stop working and making any user’s hard earned Robux go down the drain, also the private inventories feature makes finding models harder so that means they have to rely on alternate model sources, and that means also finding them, which can be time consuming.

3: Money: They only care about their money and not their community, they barely add recommended features to the Roblox community, Roblox should reconsider their choices and listen to their community as well, like they should also consider the downsides of their updates and change them to compensate, don’t focus on all the upsides, also pay attention to the downsides.

4: Difficulties with scripting: People who are new to text-based programming don’t have a library to help them understand what each part of a script does and behaves like, roblox should show tutorials on how to make the most out of text based programming, for example tweenservice to allow smooth part movements. And they should also tell them what’s wrong with the script instead of saying weird mumbo jumbo nonsense (e.g eof)


Yes i also definitely agree, i am honestly fed up with the Roblox moderation!


I can agree with this a lot.

My current ROBLOX account has been on that platform since 2015 (my oldest one from 2013 i can’t access due to losing it’s password so long long ago)

From 2017 to 2018, I was into modeling and re-texturing stuff, pretty much something I did when I was bored. Around this timeframe, I had so many multiple warnings for pointless things that I never understood. I was warned for making a Tornado Siren model that said “ACA” in text on the sides and was warned for “hard to read text.” This wasn’t even a texture; it was the text GUI Roblox uses in Studio.

Another notable one in this timeframe was when I uploaded a texture of the state flag of Georgia from 2001–2003. I edited the flag as it did have the CSA battle flag on it, but oh, what did I get warned for? “hard to read text” again. because ROBLOX apparently cannot read “In God We Trust.”

Fast forward to 2020-2022, and I received more ridiculous warnings in this timeframe after owning a large flag-based clothing group; one of them was an American Revolutionary flag shirt that was taken down for “discrimination” over “red arm bands,” which prompted me to redesign multiple shirts in a short span of time… And where are these red arm bands, you ask? thin red hem on the sleeves.

Then, in October 2022, I was uploading decals for a satire game of mine when I suddenly got booted out of the studio and found out I got banned for one day. Why?

over an annoying orange decal.

gr8 moderation.

I began to slowly loose motivation when my alternate account which was uploading textures for a game for a warning for uploading the Betsy Ross flag and also for some reason banning “no dogs allowed” signs because the X emblem I used for it is forbidden.


I agree with you heavily on this: roblox moderation itself has been getting more ridiculous now. Certain words have been filtered now: whats even more funny is, where is that 17+ filter? It makes zero sense that roblox promised a bunch of things for 17+ users, yes,.some of those promises did actually come into play, but where the hell are the others?

To get my point across, theres a bunch of things, generally in roblox, that upset me the most. Most outfits have since been forced with dynamic faces, and some of my outfits themselves have been ruined and forces me to unequip it to fix it whenever i equip a specific outfit that has a face mask, or whatnot.

Rewinding to April 15, 2023, i would be terminated over the username “haydendavis2007,” and which, not to mention, this username HAS ALWAYS been like that ever since i created this account in 2015. I was in tears when i saw this, but after fighting and having friends support and fight with me as well, I would get my account reinstated.

Overall, in the view of roblox itself, I am very disappointed in how it has been, and I really think these “bots” need a personal cleanup.


Agreed. The entirety of that 17+ thing is sketchy, too.

Roblox used to be a lego-esk game. Mainly aimed towards children, but some adults (like some of us on this devforum) tended to enjoy it too.

Now, Roblox is “moving past content for kids” and adding 17+ features, ‘Realistic Accessories’, and ANIMATED FACES. None of these were things ANYONE asked for, yet they chose to make all of that stuff instead of focus on real problems.

Also, starting to think the CEO isn’t all that great.

It’s not just sad, but sickening. What’s so entertaining about gambling games? Oh yea, it makes Roblox money. What about drinking games (albeit some of the games are funny, but last time I checked the drinking age was NOT 17.)?

I DO NOT CARE if Roblox is “Going to move on to older ages” this used to and still is mainly a site where younger people are much more common. It is VERY immoral to suddenly add dating aspects to it. You can’t just shift an age focus like that, it has to be a gradual change. And in this context, it shouldn’t even START.

I don’t care if you have rules against lying about age, people always find a way to abuse the system. It’s dangerous.

Here Roblox, if you really think making 17+ and dating features in a place like this is a good idea, then start by preventing the creation of accounts under the age of 13. If you’re going to make this place’s focus away from children, even in the slightest, then make it safer for children. EX: Removing children. Which would destroy your (already crumbling) platform, so you can’t. At this rate, just make a separate dating site.

Even if the age demographics of your site was 15-20, adding dating features to a gaming site in general is a horrible idea. It’s so dumb and badly thought-out. Yea, lets see how well adding dating to Fortnite would go. Or Counter Strike. Or ROBLOX. It just can’t happen.

And even if it did, and you still went through with it, you’d have two separate communities in your site. At that rate you might as well just make a second site.

Also, when was the last time part of a TOS was flipped for a feature??


I couldn’t agree more, i got a warning because my image breaks TOS even though it doesn’t, i tried appealing through roblox’s Reporting & Appeals and got denied 3 TIMES, but noticed that every time i ran an appeal through that system i got an email almost instantly which displays the system is ALSO ran by BOTS, ROBLOX you really need to fix your moderation because honestly even im scared of submitting images onto roblox website.


I find that Roblox doesn’t actually care about giving the best experience for users, but rather does the bare minimum whilst still being at fault to make sure they aren’t sued or put under bad reputation. A good example of this is with the Ruben Sim lawsuits, where Ruben was mainly targeted for exposing a roblox employee for being associated with a whole lot of sexual stuff, but after Ruben made a response, Roblox backed out and settled for an agreement instead.


I completely agree with the topic, moderation is ridiculous and appealing bans is extremely difficult because most appeals are handled by bots.


The best description for Roblox’s moderation is “Kafkaesque”.

Moderation can just hit you right out of the blue and then you’re sent through a bewildering and confusing process where neither the cause of the moderation action nor the nature of the proceedings are made clear. Moderation can often be absurd and random without any explanation like if a specific item anyone might of uploaded to Roblox gets moderated, the uploader most often doesn’t even get the chance to even see the very item thats been moderated.

Roblox Moderation has been described as “1984”, but “Kafkaesque” is, in my opinion, much more accurate. It’s aptly describes how any reasonable person confronts with the absurd. Players are put through unnecessarily complicated and frustrating experiences just to play a video game or use the platform for their own creative expression.

Roblox is not the only site that does this, but other websites and their users also deal with moderation practices that are often described as nonsensical or confusing. Roblox though, in my opinion, really takes the cake in being among the most frustrating and opaque.

Moderation can be a very isolating alienating experience where nobody is provided with an advocate in the appeals process. We are all just ordinary people up against a giant faceless corporation where its not even clear if an appeal is being sent to a bot or a real person and the decision seemingly is left up to chance if an appeal will be approved or not. It’s getting to the point where it feels like Roblox isn’t made for regular everyday people, but made for other companies and game development studios that do the major heavy-lifting developing and have the resources necessary to comply with Roblox’s labyrinth of rules.