RobloxVD (Voice Detection)

I am playing in Studio. I’ll send a video.

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It’s because you haven’t started the server. You should have the command prompt looking something like this:

and you must keep that open while you’re using RobloxVD, or it won’t work!

There’s the same error after doing that

(I think you should rephrase this because is makes it seem like I didn’t need to do that)
“*This is only if you’re going to use this outside of Studio. This will fail in-game without forwarding the 80 port on your computer.”

In the video, I didn’t see any command prompt at the bottom meaning you never started the server. You might actually have to port forward (if Roblox changed how Studio works, I haven’t checked in a few months).

I’m not sure what happened, it should work just fine if you did it properly. Can I see an image of your command prompt?

I’ll try it from the player side.
Also, trying to open serv.js gives an error, is that normal?
(Without using the command bar, which I’ve already done)

I got the web side working and checked /viewall, it was detecting my voice, nice.

Just try to make it a little easier for people.
You could delete the node_modules/ folder and replace the cmd.bat file with this:

@echo off
title Roblox Voice Detection
echo -----------
echo Installing Dependencies
echo -----------
npm install
echo -----------
echo Starting Roblox Voice Detection
echo -----------
node serv.js
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@nonraymonable It’s still not working, using Roblox Player. I’m going to record again.


I have 1 question, is this allowed? As there was a similar place that had the exact same process and ended up getting deleted.


No. Absolutely not.
As I mentioned in the 2023 edit of the parent post, it breaks TOS by redirecting users off-site.

Not only is this a security risk for the players, it’s a risk for the game’s developer.


Actually, this is different than what they did. What they did was abuse Roblox APIs and mass-upload audios (if I’m correct) of user’s voices and then play them in-game.

This detects your voice and repeats it in chat (filtered obviously)

Do not open the .html file like that. Type in localhost into the browser instead, and it should show the same page, but functional.

It doesn’t work because /update only exists on the server, and the server automatically serves the api.html page that’s functional, so it’s already built in.

Also, it won’t work in-game if you don’t port forward 80. Sorry I’ve said this so much, it’s very important or it won’t work in the actual Roblox Client.

The source is now on GitHub! Woohoo!

It took a bit to finish the README.MD file, but now it's got much better instructions on how to use RobloxVD. Overtime, this'll become even simpler to use. Sorry it took so long to do this !



I’m not sure what you mean by “The browser”

huh? is it some type of voice chat but its using the roblox chat?

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Is this really safe to put our ip inside?

Global IP’s are fine to share, and nobody is collecting this data anyway. It’s usually local IPs I believe that get people hacked and things like that.

I mean Google Chrome. Don’t double click on the app.html file like you were, you have to type localhost into Google Chrome like a url, it opens the webapp properly.

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It can be safe but isn’t guaranteed.
If someone were able to access a version of your place with your IP address inside of the script, it would be trivial to dox it (and you).

Don’t put sensitive information (such as an IP address, if it can link back to you) onto Roblox games.


Like @Derpee_Kirbee said, it’s safe unless you’re giving the script out to people who are out to harm you. Just be careful who you give your ip to, and you should be fine.

There isn’t any malicious code inside the RobloxVD server, infact; I have no way of accessing who’s using it, (which is good in this case because I’ve got no access to your ip) so you’re safe.

Don’t trust me? Check the source on the GitHub repository!

Currently getting a “Can’t Parse JSON” error on line 16.