Roleplaying Zephyr 7B Luau API Documentation (Free API) System Message

Zephyr 7b is the really good at generating roleplaying Text and it’s a Free model hosted on inference on Huggingface. It’s the best. :slight_smile:

The function inputs the arguments
function Zephyr7B(person,personality,Playername,quer)

BearerKey="Get your APi Key for free from Huggingface"

function cm.Zephyr(person,personality,Playername,quer)
-- Define the API URL and the authorization header
local API_URL = ""
local headers = {Authorization = BearerKey}

-- Define the HttpService
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

-- Define a function that takes an input and queries the model
local function queryModel(input)
    -- Create a payload table with the input
    local payload = {inputs = input}
    -- Encode the payload table into a JSON string
    local payloadJSON = HttpService:JSONEncode(payload)
    -- Send a POST request to the API URL with the header and the payload
    local response = HttpService:PostAsync(API_URL, payloadJSON, Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationJson, false, headers)
    -- Decode the response into a table
    local responseTable = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)
    -- Return the response table
    return responseTable

-- Test the function with an example input
local input = "<|system|>\n You are a "..personality.." named "..person.."..</s>\n<|user|>\n"..quer.."</s>\n<|assistant|>"
local output = queryModel(input)
-- Print the output

This is the chatbot I built with this API!
The chatbot tells a story between the player and the chatbot. It’s sooo good!