RoPhys - Fluid Simulations, Particle Simulations, And More

RoPhys - Fluid Simulations, Particle Simluations, And More

RoPhys is a mash of multiple physics simulations a have made over the past 2-3 years.

Currently, RoPhys has the best simulations on the Roblox platform (not bragging)

IT WILL BE OPEN SOURCE SOON (Expect sometime 2025)
If you want to see all the cool new updates and leaks and get access first, are looking to add to the module and make fixes, or ask questions,

PLEASE JOIN → Join the RoPhys discord server: RoPhys Community
LIVE DEMO OFFICIALLY OUT! Link is in the discord server!


This would work well for a minecraft survival type game lol


: O this looks so epic you must puted a lot effort 100/10 i want to have it now!!!


maybe, just wouldn’t be blocky


yeah, def thats true
Have you heard of the game ‘Muck’ by Dani? Thats like a style I was thinking of.


how much for it bro, no way its free

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I might make it go on a selling period 6 months before release. How much would you pay?

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100? 500? Or more… Yea i think thats worth it

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damn really?

I was gonna sell it for like 5 lol

ima do $20. Thats about the price of moon animator

W or L

can you release a tiny demo so we can screw around with it ourselves (just like, one experiment)


thats what i was about to do. Im just cleaning things up

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sorry for late reply, but I think 5$ is a good price for this, until you improve it alot. Moon animator has alot of features which makes sense, even moon animator was free when it first came out.
Also, less money = more users unless it’s essential for a game like moon animator


kk sounds fair

i was somewhat in that range


Just releassed the demo btw link in my discord server

I’m definitely coming back to this post

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Hey, does this have an advection solver? been working on a 3D smoke renderer with editable images but I’ve always hated the advection and projection part

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Yes it does. Both a 2d and 3d solver.

do not drop the price to $5 for a whole fluid solver + skinned mesh implementation.
$20 is the very minimum. recognize how much your work is worth.


I wouldn’t really claim that it’s the best that’s been done on Roblox, there have been quite a few people who have made similar stuff. I noticed in the demo that it seemed pretty slow and had a lot of jittery artifacts. So that’s something to work on maybe

That being said it’s still a cool project for you and I encourage you to release a small game with it, would be cool in a variety of survival games

It’s cool open sourcing it too for people