RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn)

Could you make a list of all developer for hire pls as it would realy help me

ill add a terms button to the navbar. also the terms and privacy conditions are found here:

Im planning on adding more features to the search button which will help with that

just after release, our password reset system was turned off due to issues with it. It will be fixed soon!

The ToS and privacy stuff was created before we picked the domain, so we used i probably didn’t see that filler example domain.

Most bugs were minor and were fixed within a day of being found.

The only way to see the PP now, is doing a skill application so yes that would be helpful.

A benefit? I’d totally LOVE to have a p2w linkedln. Getting outshined by people who just bought a subscription! Nice!

Yeah, they keep dodging our questions with “look at our TOS” when the terms I’m asking about wouldn’t even really fall under that.


Thought all of our terms page is important, for all of the information you requested this is the most important/key, if you have any questions feel free to ask me.

  • Roman
    Junior Moderator and Senior Skill Reviewer @RoStats

Yep, I definitely trust a site that its moderators keep misdirecting me.
Do you have a TOU by any chance?

Where am I or my colleagues misdirecting you? You were asking privacy related questions, which brought me to link you to our privacy policy.

You may view our terms of use/service and privacy policy at,

It’s literally not there lol.

Oh, I’ve seen a lot of sites with separate TOS/TOU’s, is it meshed together here?

Yes, we’ve combined our terms and privacy together, instead of having users having to run around wild attempting to find useful and important information.

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Just a suggestion, I think that for the Skill Applications you should allow .rbxm files as well rather than only images.

" By accessing RoStats, you agreed to use cookies in agreement with the RoStats’s Privacy Policy."

I never agreed to this, your privacy policy is currently illegal in 27 countries. I’d recommend you read up on GDPR, such as the clause requiring prior and explicit consent for cookies which aren’t necessary for the running of the website (i.e. any cookies used for storing login details - not advertising related cookies however). This also happens to be illegal in the Netherlands - the country which your “Terms and Privacy Conditions” states has prevailing law.

" By signing up you agree that we will use cookies to store your account data such as your Roblox user id."

This is not explicit consent… also using cookies to store user data? This is a very questionable practice that shouldn’t be used. Your website should be in control of data like what account my user ID is linked to, not me. You wouldn’t trust the client on Roblox, you especially wouldn’t trust the client on a webserver.

" We collect various information about you, such as your"

“Such as”, “various information”… This is an incredibly poor choice of words - that also makes your privacy policy illegal in 27 countries. Under GDPR, I have the right to know every way my data is used by you, not just the ways it could possibly be used. You need to be explicit in how you use data (i.e. a sentence such as “We collect all data that is provided to us explicitly by yourself, this includes but is not limited to Email… We also collect additional information - your IP address…” would be legal as it explicitly states all the various ways information is collected - the first sentence already CYA when it comes to data that is explicitly provided by a user - the second sentence is for any further data)

You need to atleast make mention of what third parties are used - preferably providing links to their privacy policy. From looking at the cookies I already know you use GAnalytics, and this is mentioned - but it makes no mention of whether this is the only third party, nor does it provide a link.

" RoStats reserves the right to use any images uploaded via the skill application in any way that we feel fit that benefits the website"

This is a big no no. First of all you imply that you are granted the IP rights to any images used, you don’t want to imply with copyright, you want to explicitly state this because otherwise you set yourself up for copyright claims. Second of all, I don’t believe developers would want your site to be using images of their code publicly, or in any way without their express, notified consent. I know that I would not want images of my code to be used for your marketing, and this may drive users away.


Also, how are passwords stored?


This will not be implemented, for obvious reasons. There are going to be users putting parts into the game that are unsafe for our team, and other reasons.

This is hard to see when uploading evidence.

Please add the programmer skill, as that is in demand too.

Programming equals to Scripting. You can choose that when you’re picking the skill.

Scripting and programming are different. You can’t program a discord bot if you only know how to script in Roblox.


We’re discussing internally adding a programming skill.