okay so i’ve never worked with rotated UI before and also this is custom. i want to try make the image shown (healthbar) deplete over time to the end point but as shown it warps the image etc. i know that obvs this makes sense as you’re flattening the image, but is there a way you could make it crop the image from the end rather than resize to give the same effect?
i know a frame would work but i want the custom shape i have with this one - thanks
If you’re wanting something like this: https://gyazo.com/68b5dfad3e8218f0062a0bdfd12606dc
then its as simple as putting the healthbar image inside a frame with clip descendants on, and scaling that “holder” frame. The only caveat is that the healthbar image has to use offset instead of scale. Also, make sure to set the healthbar image to “Fit” for scale type.
Sorry, are you able to explain this more? I tried it but doesn’t seem to work, I tried making a frame and then putting the image in etc but doesn’t work right, thanks
EDIT: It doesn’t seem to clip the actual shape of my image basically just stays as a rectangle
Unfortunately, scaling it would cause the proportions to become out of balance, unless it was a self-rotated image. I think your best bet with your current setup is this solution:
You would need to do this using a NumberSequence and optionally a few NumberSequenceKeypoints, and then you would be good to go.