Hello! I am iiZescah. I am posting this, to set ground rules for my community that is in my server, twitter etc.
Let’s begin with all the rules.
Community Rules:
- No trolling.
- No racism.
- Do not harass.
- No spamming.
- No NSFW content.
- Do not fill staffs DM’s.
- No advertising.
- Don’t scream into a voice channel.
- We don’t give out robux.
- Don’t cause drama.
- Keep politic topics out of the server.
- Do not be rude to others.
- Do not start inappropriate chats.
- Do not threaten ANYONE.
- Do not, impersonate staff. It will result in a ban.
Staff Rules:
- Do not free rank.
- No cursing (cussing)
- Do not threaten others.
- Do not be rude
- Leaking information about the game, can lead to a termination from your job
- Do not give out fake announcements
- Don’t hire people without my consent
These are, rules for our Twitter, and Discord server. This is not, for a group or anything else. We are a game type server - twitter!
I have made many posts on this game, due to my love and excitement about it. I have dedicated many hours, into this game development, and I am not going to waste it. Me, and the Roblox community help motivate me to keep going, and to make this game amazing.
Thanks in advance, iiZescah.