RunLSC - Run script(s) by selecting them and clicking a button

I’ll try, but if you really want a complete IDE I suggest you to use the native ide option instead, it uses Studio’s IDE and of course it’s feature complete

Is there a library link? How do you install the plugin?


Get the latest release at Releases · RealEthanPlayzDev/RunLSC · GitHub, download the rbxm at the assets:

Put this rbxm at your Plugins folder (%localappdata%\Roblox\Plugins, create the Plugins folder if it doesn’t exist)

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I notice that when I do a change in some module script and require this module in a script and run this script using RunLSC, the latest changes are not taken into account.
It seems like RunLSC is caching some previous versions of the code.
Is there some way to make RunLSC work always with the latest version of the code?

Have you pressed the Reload button from the script tab when you focused on the module script’s editor window? Lua (and Luau) internally caches required module’s return value into the registry index, so you have to press that Reload button to remove the module from the registry index cache

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Thanks, I had to modify the module script again, so the Reload button becomes active, but after the Reload - the script executed the correct version of the module script.

One more question
Do you know why I see the RunLSC widgets as white on white background (basically invisible unless I put my mouse over them)?


Ah, that’s because RunLSC isn’t light mode compliant yet, sorry about that (Roblox also doesn’t support manually setting the image color for plugin buttons so I’d need to reupload the icon assets again)