Sanitized ID - Solution from a friend of mine

I’ve seen many people with a Sanitized ID problem in animations, here’s a solution i’ve recently used

Roblox does not allow you to use other people’s animations, in order to use animations in your game, they have to be owned by you. Recently, i’ve had a problem with the Failed to load animation - sanitized ID, but then a friend came to me and gave me an exotic solution for this problem

I do not recommend using this often, this might be an engine bug that will be fixed later, but for now, here’s what you can do:
I’ve been using a ReplicatedStorage folder called “Animations”, wich contained Animation objects in there, just like this:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local AnimationsFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Animations

my friends solutions was, instead of getting this said animation i just created, you can parent an animation object to your script:

local Animations = script.Animations
local EXAnimation = Animations.ExampleAnimation

hope it helps those who are struggling with this, if i missed something, or said anything wrong, please tell me!
Thank you @ALittleMeyye for helping me with this!