Satchel // Open-source modern backpack system

Hey, so, since the bug doesn’t replicate for you. If you uncomment that line I talked about, does it cause you any errors \ bugs ?
I’d like to know because I have console players I worry about

I have a pull request in progress to fix the issue but it needs more testing before I can merge.

Please refer to the below PR for tracking and progress.

Hello, i added the backpack to my game but some of my players had issue with it, i attached screenshot of the bugs and glitches the players reported


Do any of your scripts use StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled()? It seems like there is a script enabling the CoreGui backpack which interferes with Satchel.

If this isn’t then case could you provide me the steps to reproduce the bug, any console output including warnings and errors, and the distribution variant you have of Satchel (Creator Marketplace, GitHub, DevForum, etc.)?

You can reply or message me on the DevForum with the information requested. Additionally you could open a bug report if you would like tracking and progress updates on your bug.

yea i have the same problem too, when the player dies on controller they cant controll the hotbar at all and they have to rejoin to fix it.

Hey everyone, I have an update on the controller situation.

It seems like there is a bug with Roblox causing issues with PS4 properly binding buttons. This issue is only specific to the PS4 platforms.

I’ve spent too much time reviewing code to locate the issue so I can only suspect that the below bug report is the reason of Satchel’s issues.

If this issue is occuring outside PS4 for you or is another different issue, open a bug report

Currently I am tracking one issue related to this bug causing tools to not be selectable:

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Satchel Documentation now has a website

Two months ago, we released the Satchel wiki, powered by GitHub Wikis. Though a great starting point, we were limited by the wiki on what we could do. Today, we now will be releasing the new Satchel Documentation website. With this release we plan better have control over documentation and customization which allows better overall documentation:

  • Improve documentation quality and resources
  • Allow open-source collaboration on documentation
  • Easily collect feedback and comments for improvements
  • Organize the documentation in a way that is easily digestible

With this new website we can better control our documentation and add features which were previously missing such as:

  • Page usefulness feedback polls
  • User comments/reactions
  • Editing pages or viewing page source code
  • Faster page navigation and loading

Those the above lists aren’t extensive; they go over the most important changes. Check out the new documentation now at Satchel Documentation.

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[Sorry my English is bad]
We have a problem with the Gamepad
Everything works very well, both buttons, keys and mouse clicks, but the Gamepad when the player presses ButtonL2 and ButtonR2 does not work as expected.

Although the above two buttons still work, but after the player respawns, the two function buttons ButtonL2 and ButtonR2 no longer work.

I hope the creator of this wonderful backpack Module will fix it, I really want it and thank you for your effortvideo

This is the version I’m using: Release v1.2.0 · RyanLua/Satchel · GitHub

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This is very odd. Are there any errors in the developer console? And if possible, can you message me your place file so I can better reproduce this but?

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Hey, I was able to identify the issue with the controller buttons not properly binding and found a fix.

Attached is your place file with the 1.3.0-rc (release candidate) of Satchel. This version should be stable enough to use in production for your experiences.

If any other issues occur in the release candidate version of Satchel, please notify me.

Satchel.rbxmx.rbxl (110.2 KB)

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OK thanks you for your help, i really appreciated you :white_check_mark:


Well this is a community resource, which means everybody should be able to use it, and if something doesn’t work, people should use the most updated version of the resource.

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Just want to let you know that this issue is happening in the playground!


Roblox didn’t rollout the new topbar for you yet, that’s why it look like that.

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The Satchel Playground features experimental builds of Satchel and should NOT be used.

The topbar issue you are seeing is expected as the playground is currently running a build of Satchel with the chrome-topbar which is designed for the new updated experience controls (internally referred to as the chrome menu).

Due to you not having the chrome menu yet the chrome topbar, which Satchel uses, doesn’t properly align with the current legacy topbar you have.

What it’s supposed to look like:

Read more about the chrome menu/updated experience controls:

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Great resource!

I have modified it to use viewportframes to load the module and make it spin for my game


Thank you so much, you saved me <3

Can I ask a feature for hovering effect on equip and unequipped hotbar?

Yes, you may ask. make sure to ask please at the end . cool

Satchel already has a hover effect for hovering over tools and clicking them. If you haven’t already you can test it out at Satchel Playground.