Satchel // Open-source modern backpack system

Have you tried dragging things with the old backpack?

My framerate is quite high so it’s hard to reproduce it, but it’s a constant nagging on slower games.


can there be a animation to the backpack gui?

I agree, I play a game quite a bit where I have to rearrange my backpack on spawn, its very frustrating the way that property works. It drags slightly then stops, before teleporting to a random place after letting go of your mouse.


I recommend creating a proper documentation site with moonwave, it will improve usage and most likely minimize client issues.


But the Draggable property used to actually function back in the day GUI was considered a recent technology for Roblox.

I guess it makes sense that they deprecated it.

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I’ve investigated the issue and found it is indeed related to the .Draggable property. Thanks for giving me information for an issue with using the deprecated property to me.

I will try my best to resolve this issue in, hopefully, the next release of Satchel.


Can you specify the “animation” you are talking about? I don’t know what you are specifically asking for.

Having documentation is something I will never rule out but as it stands now, the work needed to make documentation is very high compared to just listing them in the initial post.

I tried having documentation for my past projects but analytics showed that less than ~3% of users (who purchased the model on Creator Marketplace) actually visit and read the documentation. This accounts to less than 10 unique visitors for documentation considering how it takes hours to write and create the documentation when it can be spent on improving the module.

Hey, is there anyway i can make the hotbar button always visible?

What do you mean by make the hotbar button always visible?

Under normal gameplay the hotbar is usually always visible. The TopBar button to toggle the inventory is only hidden when in the Roblox Menu like with other CoreGui but again you can’t click the button while in the Roblox Menu so it makes sense to hid the unclickable button.

Having documentation actually drives more people to use your package. I noticed that after documenting every API and writing a tutorial on each subject gave my framework more impressions, people also asked for help less and less as I added more.


Hey, I really love this but is there any way to make it save tool slots on death? This would be really useful for a shooter game.

When your character dies or resets in Satchel, all your backpack items are kept and the positions in the hotbar remain the same. This is the same behavior for the default backpack.

What he meant was if you reposition tools in your backpack can the slots they are in be saved and restored when you respawn?

This game pulled it off somehow, as seen in this clip:

External Media

As of now, the behavior of when the Player dies I’ll reset the positions in inventory.

I’ll try my best to fix this behavior but it’s a bit tricky with now you need to store the locations of each slot and for newly added tools.

Are there plans to make a custom inventory order on the developer’s side of things, such as an order attribute for tools?

There are no plans on my roadmap for such feature. Currently you can only set the hotbar order, not the inventory. The same problem applies to inventory resetting on death too.

The hotbar uses tables to store location and tool while the inventory does not and just reads Backpack from Player.

How can we change the look of the inv?

If you are looking to just change the color or corner radius you can do that with attributes.

If you would like to directly modify the inventory frame in the code, the code for the inventory starts on line 1448.

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THERES 1448 LINES OF CODE? But anyways thank you.


Hi! I have another fix for an issue. Apologies if this is already patched on GitHub–this was just something I noticed on the version I was currently using.

Clicking off of the inventory can leave the topbar icon selected. When this occurs, it requires two clicks in order to open it back up. This can be very annoying in games where the inventory contents are critical.

In SatchelScript, modify the final if-block in the function OnInputBegan():

if not isProcessed then
	if inputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or inputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
		if InventoryFrame.Visible then
			InventoryIcon:deselect() --This line here!

I have noticed that switching the order of BackpackScript.OpenClose() and InventoryIcon:deselect() can result in the fix not working, so there may be a better way about this. I hadn’t ran into any issues during my testing of the fix, so make sure to keep it in the order presented above.

Hope it helps!