Save your player data with ProfileService! (DataStore Module)

Post updated with my releasing code.

Are you sure that profile:Release() is being processed?

So was using the module and ran into an error

This line was throwing the error

local profile = ProfileService:LoadProfileAsync("Player_" .. player.UserId)

Any ideas how to fix it. The player is not nil and is loaded when profile is called

Can you show us how do you require ProfileService?


ProfileService is child of the data module

:LoadProfileAsync() is a member of ProfileStore, not ProfileService. See the official example.


Does :LoadProfileAsync() with Forceload yield the code until it retrieves the profile from the datastore?

In other words does it behave synchronously?

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The Async keyword implies that the given method will yield! Good question regardless, as this is not really a convention or anything.


Hey, is it possible to get a read-only copy of a users profile?
I want users to be able to create their own world and allow other users to join while they’re offline or not necessarily in it

I’ve a predicament about using profileservice as a in-game guild manager. How would I add a player to a guild(Data.Members), while a player in another server does likewise without it throwing an error or messing up the data of the guild?

Couldn’t this be extended to use MemoryDatastore for caching with session locks that don’t always have to use datastores?

This is what loleris said while ago.


I second this. ProfileService on the Wally Package Manager by Uplift Games would help out a ton of developers using the Wally/Rojo Workflow. @loleris Please consider uploading ProfileService as a package on wally :pray:


My game has way too many data lines stored and I might be unable to store anymore values, how would I fix this?

How do I go about adding a new value to a profile without messing with data.
I am adding levels to my game and need to make it save with profile service, while not messing with my other values.

“levels” is currently nil, and I can check if it is nil with an if statement. Where do I go from after confirming that it is nil, so it saves the levels and doesnt end up with this error:

store shorkt key values together
example time played
–A most efficient (least fun to access trough code)

Timeplayed = {Dagger,Hellion,BoStaff}
Timeplayed = {100,2000,4000}

and access them by Timeplayed[1],Timeplayed[2],Timeplayed[3],
–example B easier to code with but less efficient cause u storing unusfull names that u don’t need
or Timeplayed = {["Dagger"]=100,["Hellion"]=2000,["BoStaff"]=4000}
this way u can fit more just dont exceed the key value limit

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does profiler service have check to see if datastore is offline on roblox?
if not i have to add my own just wondering

example datastore is offline player joins it might think its a new player cause no profile
then he leaves datastore back online and it save it as a new player over the old one

if its not added then i would prob check with vanilla datastore check if the datastore “game” has a key called “StoreOnline” value “yes”

before i load player profile i check if the key StoreOnline is found if not datastore offline and don’t load nor save

if it is found then if profile not found its new player

but i might not need this at all if it is already build into profiler service just askin if it is bacause can’t seem to find anything about it being mentioned

Of course it has these checks to prevent your data from being corrupted.

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ok nice then i don’t have to check myself awsome

does anyone know how i can load a profile withoud a player being online or point me in the right way i am making an admin tool that can local change players data wich work but i also have a toggle to do it directly in the datastore if there offline
but going over the code im getting confused with the profile release and stuff

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local ProfileService = require(game.ServerScriptService.PlayerData.ProfileService)
local ProfileTemplate = require(game.ServerScriptService.PlayerData.ProfileTemplate)

local ProfileStore = ProfileService.GetProfileStore(

local Profiles = {}

local function onPlayerAdded(player)
	local profile = ProfileStore:LoadProfileAsync(
		"Player_" .. player.UserId,

	if profile then
		profile:Reconcile() -- Fill in missing variables from ProfileTemplate (optional)
			Profiles[player] = nil

		if player:IsDescendantOf(Players) then
			Profiles[player] = profile

local function onPlayerRemoving(player)
	local profile = Profiles[player]
	if profile then
		print("saved player",player,profile)


local DataManager = {}

function DataManager:Get(player)
	local profile = Profiles[player]

	if profile then
		return profile.Data

return DataManager

any ideas how i convert this to also work with loading someone elses profile so i can edit it
it also seems to require an player object i only have a player id to work with if hes offline