Saving some parts properties in roblox studio

Hello, i want to make a system for DataStore that saves some part properties too, but just for the player saving the data for, for example saving a part being invisible and not collidable.

I dont know how to make a system like that, i just want someone to explain it to me in a short way how would i make a system like that or if they know any tutorials that can help me.

I have tried making one on my own with DataStore but couldn’t find how to make it save parts properties too.
If someone can tell me how to make it save parts properties i would appreciate it really much.

DISCLAIMER: Im not asking you guys to design the entire system for me just to explain how i would make one and ill script it and everything and things but how would i make it save parts properties too thats what im asking for not u to design the system and the scripts and all.

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In general, it is much better to use pre-implemented modules or libraries that are present and designed for this particular purpose.
This will save you time and allow you to focus on other important tasks.

As a suggestion, you might want to consider using this resource (or see how it works to create your own):

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