Say hello to the new Lua dragger (Beta)

Good point. I made you start with no tool selected in Play Solo but there’s currently no way to go back to having none selected if you select something.


My first response would be, “so I don’t select anything and mess stuff up” but then I realized I could select things even without the Select tool equipped in Studio. looks like this intends as expected

Edit: @tnavarts I can’t deselect while testing my game in studio so I click things when I intend on just firing a gun, for example.


This change was very necessary, I always had to resort to the move tool to move objects around, this should make things a lot easier! I’m pleased with most of the recent changes, I hope the future has many more great new features!


It sometimes useful. For example, if you need to drag a house (or something should not tilt) on the slope, it should not follow the angle of the slope.


This wasn’t in the C++ dragger, but I think it would be useful if it was added to the lua dragger, if there is a reason for it not to be added though, I will likely end up making it myself via plugin

in the C++ dragger multiple selected attachments can be moved, but multiple selected attachments can not be rotated

you have to manually go to each one and rotate them individually, which doesn’t really feel like it was ever intended to be this way, and it just never got added/fixed

it’s a hassle when it comes to working with most constraints, since you usually need to keep the rotations of both attachments the same

good work to everyone who worked on this so far though it really is a good change


This is awesome, but I’m kind of skeptical about the Lua dragging. Will there be an option to toggle some Lua features?


Is snapping supposed to apply in moving parts on terrain? Currently, parts seem to not move according to a grid when dragged on terrain versus on other parts.



As much as I love this Beta Lua Dragger, I still hate the fact that we have a selection Box bothering us when developing, it would be nice if we can remove it, or atleast choose the size of it from like 0.1 to 1 so we are able to carefully allign the details and make our assets looks cleaner.



I just tried it a few minutes ago and I’m already enjoying the new Lua dragger! Maybe I’ll start using this from now on since the behaviour seems a lot better. It feels like it’s more responsive now!

Edit, 20/04/02, 23:26
A common trick I used to do in the C++ dragger with the MoveTool
While I was moving a Part and want it duplicated - I would keep holding my LeftMouse down and duplicate a Part via shortcut (CTRL + D, personal pref) and the duplicated part would stay, allowing me to continue moving the original part. Rinse and repeat.

Doesn’t occur in the Lua dragger, the original part reverts back to the original position before I started moving it. Is it possible to retain this part of the old behavior in the new Lua dragger? (If needed, I can drop a GIF of how it looks.)


Yes… however, the setting doesn’t really solve that problem either, because it’s hidden away in a very inaccessible awkward spot where most people will never know it even exists.

You’re suggesting that when rotating multiple attachments, it would rotate them all around their individual centers in the same way? That might be nice but it’s very different behavior than anything else the manipulators do right now, so it’s unlikely that we would do that. The good news is… these are in Lua, so if you really want the feature enough you could fork them and add it, or ask someone else to.

Smooth terrain doesn’t have a grid, so we didn’t think it made sense to snap parts to a grid while over it. We would be open to changing this, thanks for the feedback.

Unfortunately this is far outside of the scope of the draggers themselves, all the draggers have control over is the hover box, which I can’t imagine anyone wanting to turn off. We are very aware that the selection box could use improvements.


Is forking currently avaliable and if it is where would I find the code for it?

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I like the new Lua dragger! Its so cool, i’ve tested it.

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I have a bug to report: Once i click on the scale tool, it won’t allow me to click on the move tool, even with the shortcut. Any other like rotate, scale, and free-hand work, but moving simply doesn’t allow itself to be clicked. i had to restart studio to make it work.

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It’s in your Roblox install next to the executable under the BuiltInPlugins folder. RotateDragger.rbxm would be the rotate tool. IK Dragging will not work in a forked copy currently, I’m making that API public next Thursday, so wait until then if you actually want to take a stab at it.


Nice update, It’s better. Thank you for improvement of dragging! :wink:

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When the new LUA dragger is enabled does it effect the dragger instance used by build plugins? Dragger | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

If not; then in the future will this be the case?

Edit (Nevermind):

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I love this! I was just thinking about what if Roblox updated some old Studio essentials, such as the dragger, just to see this! Currently it’s very bugged, but I can’t wait for it’s full release! Thank you Roblox!


When you have some small but long details the resize dragger becomes horrible to use, it moves insanely far from the edge of the part compared to the old dragger, and the handles become 10 studs large. When having to do small details this becomes a game breaker for these tools.

(resize handle is for the small yellow lines before they turn)

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One more thing I’ve noticed about this new dragger is that if you click and drag to select a group of part within the region selected, it now treats tools in the same manner as folder instances instead of a models. Previously, with the C++ dragger, this would treat tools in the same manner as models (selecting just the model instead of all parts within).

If this is new behaviour, then I don’t mind, but I just wanted to make sure you knew of this previous behavior in case it was meant to persist.

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help i got sent to the shadow realm

after the part disappeared, I pressed F to teleport to it and I got blasted into the Nth dimension. you can reproduce this with any angle too with a 135o angle

with the right positioning you can make the entire world turn black

apparently, with the right positioning between two spaces you can also make this happen. the first two times occured with direct contact with the cross but this time there’s no contact

and I don’t even know what happened here, I just tried clicking another parent and the game just… did that.

i can’t use the rotate tool anymore so thats cool

and the scale tool doesn’t even work right on 2 axis

…there’s more.

With an object with no depth, the width cannot be shrunken, and vice versa.

if you spamclick a handle, your studio lags really, really bad.

i don’t know how but I ended up breaking all the move tools